The sovereignty of Buenos Aires
Much has been written about the loss of their privileges Catalonia in 1714, after the War of English Succession. Some speak of the loss of "sovereignty of Catalonia", some even dare to mention the loss of "independence of Catalonia." Thursday, January 6, 2011
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But Catalonia enjoyed self-government before 1714?, Was a sovereign territory?, Was perhaps an independent state?
Who better can answer these questions is Professor Jaume Vicens Vives, Catalan historian best in history.
But before the words of Vicens Vives was the organization know as and institutional policy of the Crown of Aragon: Cortes
were represented in the church, the nobility and the city magnates.
The king granted the liberties and privileges cuts in exchange for money and military support.
Now, we know by Jaume Vicens Vives organic political mechanism the Crown of Aragon:
"-At the top, the monarchy and his court: peace, war, diplomacy, justice, law and overall finances.
"A step below, the governor general in charge of ensuring justice and the law on behalf of the monarch in the country where this was not present.
"Lower still, the spokesmen for the Governor General, the officers responsible for representing the Governor-General in the maintenance of public order and the administration of justice.
"And below, the district officials, representatives of regional supreme power.
"This was the state apparatus. Next, living with him, but not subject to it, the device "pacts" of territory: the Courts, Municipalities, Guilds, outlined below with the Provincial General.
This scheme of constitutional mechanism of the Crown of Aragon ruled until 1714.
of him does not seem appropriate to conclude that self-government or self-government existed one. "
Therefore we can affirm that Catalonia has never enjoyed sovereignty and never has been an independent country and has enjoyed self-government only twice. The first in the second English Republic, and the second with the statute of 1979.
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The two most plausible theories of the origin of the name of Catalonia are:
The first talks about how we were baptized in Italy:
The Archdeacon of Pisa, called EURICUS, wrote, in uncertain date, a book entitled "Liber Majolichinus of Gestis Pisanorum ilusribus" which chronicles the exploits of the expedition to Majorca the years 1114 and 1115, concerns the exploits of the expedition's leader, Ramón Berenguer III, cited under various titles: "Catelánicus heros", "Dux Catelanensis" ... and also mentions the word "Catalania" or "Cathelania." We
named in Italy as a result of adulteration of the word Lacetània. The "record" of the baptism recorded in a manuscript that recounts events of 1114 and 1115, but presumably it was written some years later.
And the word "Lacetània" no way to "Catelani" by a linguistic evolution, but it was a mistake of the author. In the early twelfth century the County of Barcelona was well known. This county is not included all the Hispanic, his central point was the territory formerly occupied by the Iberian tribe of lacetanis. An Italian name and remembered the cult and had risen and old names such as Aquitaine, Belgium, Luciana, he decided to resurrect the "Lacetània" but in the letter appeared metathesis "Catelani." Compare Coromines (Joan Coromines: The S'ha to know that the Catalan language. 1954) that metathesis with a history of Ptolemy to speak lacetanos writes the "Katelanoi" in some manuscripts and "Kastellanoi" in others.
Keep in mind that the spread and penetration of the name here attributed to us in this manuscript was necessarily slow and late. We can say that in times of Ramón Berenguer IV was known here as the "Catalonia".
In times of Pedro II Catalonia is the word clearly. In a document related to the proclamation of the Peace of God can be read: "Haec est quam pax dominus Petrus ... shall constitute a per totam Cataloniam, videlicet usque ad Ilerdam to Salsis."
In times of James I is common as the name of Catalonia in the "Book of the king in Jacme feyts" Chronicle of Jaime I the word appears frequently Catalonia. So
Soldevilla Ferran (Història de Catalunya, Barcelona 1962. Cap. VIII) refers to the constitutions of "Peace and Truce" of 1173 that Alfonso II ordered establish peace and tranquility "in this land of mine, from salsa to Tortosa and Lleida with its terms "He adds," that is, within the limits of what would later be covered with the name of Catalonia. Recognized then that in 1173 there was Catalonia.
The second theory considers how Catalonia means "land of castles." The same meaning Castilla.
The Generalitat page reads:
"Catalonia's name of uncertain etymology, but probably derived from" land of castles "- began to be used in the mid-twelfth century to designate the group of counties that made up the Hispanic. "
In wikipedia you can read:
"Another proposal suggests that the defensive needs of the brand rose many fortifications. Their guards were the Spaniards in the Low Latin medieval castlanus took the name of whose voice Catalan forms arise castle, catla and Carla. [6] In these ways, the foreigners passing through their land and have begun to name the people and its territory (català> Catalonia, Catalaunia), so that Catalonia would mean "land of castles' ". C3% B1a
Although in my opinion these two sources are not reliable is certainly nothing in the book of Marcelo Capdeferro" Another story Catalonia mentioned this theory as one of the possible.
And in his book History of Spain Ricardo de la Cierva gives as good.
The two most plausible theories of the origin of the name of Catalonia are:
The first talks about how we were baptized in Italy:
The Archdeacon of Pisa, called EURICUS, wrote, in uncertain date, a book entitled "Liber Majolichinus of Gestis Pisanorum ilusribus" which chronicles the exploits of the expedition to Majorca the years 1114 and 1115, concerns the exploits of the expedition's leader, Ramón Berenguer III, cited under various titles: "Catelánicus heros", "Dux Catelanensis" ... and also mentions the word "Catalania" or "Cathelania." We
named in Italy as a result of adulteration of the word Lacetània. The "record" of the baptism recorded in a manuscript that recounts events of 1114 and 1115, but presumably it was written some years later.
And the word "Lacetània" no way to "Catelani" by a linguistic evolution, but it was a mistake of the author. In the early twelfth century the County of Barcelona was well known. This county is not included all the Hispanic, his central point was the territory formerly occupied by the Iberian tribe of lacetanis. An Italian name and remembered the cult and had risen and old names such as Aquitaine, Belgium, Luciana, he decided to resurrect the "Lacetània" but in the letter appeared metathesis "Catelani." Compare Coromines (Joan Coromines: The S'ha to know that the Catalan language. 1954) that metathesis with a history of Ptolemy to speak lacetanos writes the "Katelanoi" in some manuscripts and "Kastellanoi" in others.
Keep in mind that the spread and penetration of the name here attributed to us in this manuscript was necessarily slow and late. We can say that in times of Ramón Berenguer IV was known here as the "Catalonia".
In times of Pedro II Catalonia is the word clearly. In a document related to the proclamation of the Peace of God can be read: "Haec est quam pax dominus Petrus ... shall constitute a per totam Cataloniam, videlicet usque ad Ilerdam to Salsis."
In times of James I is common as the name of Catalonia in the "Book of the king in Jacme feyts" Chronicle of Jaime I the word appears frequently Catalonia. So
Soldevilla Ferran (Història de Catalunya, Barcelona 1962. Cap. VIII) refers to the constitutions of "Peace and Truce" of 1173 that Alfonso II ordered establish peace and tranquility "in this land of mine, from salsa to Tortosa and Lleida with its terms "He adds," that is, within the limits of what would later be covered with the name of Catalonia. Recognized then that in 1173 there was Catalonia.
The second theory considers how Catalonia means "land of castles." The same meaning Castilla.
The Generalitat page reads:
"Catalonia's name of uncertain etymology, but probably derived from" land of castles "- began to be used in the mid-twelfth century to designate the group of counties that made up the Hispanic. "
In wikipedia you can read:
"Another proposal suggests that the defensive needs of the brand rose many fortifications. Their guards were the Spaniards in the Low Latin medieval castlanus took the name of whose voice Catalan forms arise castle, catla and Carla. [6] In these ways, the foreigners passing through their land and have begun to name the people and its territory (català> Catalonia, Catalaunia), so that Catalonia would mean "land of castles' ". C3% B1a
Although in my opinion these two sources are not reliable is certainly nothing in the book of Marcelo Capdeferro" Another story Catalonia mentioned this theory as one of the possible.
And in his book History of Spain Ricardo de la Cierva gives as good.
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number of sonnets to Heather Verdaguer
Jacint devoted Verdaguer beautiful sonnet on the actions of Heather, the first victory of the Spaniards on the French Army in the War of Independence:
Jacint devoted Verdaguer beautiful sonnet on the actions of Heather, the first victory of the Spaniards on the French Army in the War of Independence:
In Catalan
"Top of the Pyrenees in the very top of his flight a day
kept the French eagle,
and turning around the ignition look
saw the lion of Spain who slept:
- now is the time (call), the English economy is! -
and afalconant it with perfidious attack,
crown of his remarks and then take all that
ses iron grip tightened.
The català ferreny that estava alert
mare sa country to the captivating view
exclaims, "it posant coll Trabuc:
" Mentre d'Espanya is the alarm clock,
jo-te the Sometent sewer, agile proud,
wait-te vaig in Turons of Bruc.
In Castilian
"On top of the Pyrenees beautiful one day put his flight
French eagle,
and turning his eyes lit environment
saw the lion of Spain, sleeping:
- Now is the time (said), the Spain's mine! -;
and grab with perfidious attack
of his crown and gripped it and all that
iron claws constipated.
The iron Catalan, who was alert
Her mother country to consider captive
said, putting his blunderbuss neck:
"While Spain lion wakes up, I alzándote the
tocsin, proud eagle,
I'm gonna wait on the rocks of the Bruce. "
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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The three giant Gothic neo-Gothic
Armenon giant war
Armenon Mannus is the son of the first born, Germanic scholars who identify with Bor in Norse mythology. Armenon God is a kind of giant, who again students of Germanic mythology identified with Odin. And here I would like to make a new subsection, as Armenon identify with Odin, no would mean that they were identical. Only means that Armenon is the equivalent of Odin among the Scandinavians. But in my point of view, almost certainly, Armenon has a more primitive and close to the Hellenic concept of the divine world. Being in my theory, and is just a theory conceptual symbolic staff, a giant god duality, like his father Mannus.
In any case, Armenon, was the origin of the family of Irminores, composed of various Germanic tribes, among which would be the Goths. Again the experts mythologists Germanic heroic character attribute a solar and warrior Armenon, to give the warrior symbol attribute, thus their descendants being children of a god / giant war.
I repeat my point of view, Armenon is more than a god of men, is a deity related to pre titans of classical Greece.
Armenon Mannus is the son of the first born, Germanic scholars who identify with Bor in Norse mythology. Armenon God is a kind of giant, who again students of Germanic mythology identified with Odin. And here I would like to make a new subsection, as Armenon identify with Odin, no would mean that they were identical. Only means that Armenon is the equivalent of Odin among the Scandinavians. But in my point of view, almost certainly, Armenon has a more primitive and close to the Hellenic concept of the divine world. Being in my theory, and is just a theory conceptual symbolic staff, a giant god duality, like his father Mannus.
In any case, Armenon, was the origin of the family of Irminores, composed of various Germanic tribes, among which would be the Goths. Again the experts mythologists Germanic heroic character attribute a solar and warrior Armenon, to give the warrior symbol attribute, thus their descendants being children of a god / giant war.
I repeat my point of view, Armenon is more than a god of men, is a deity related to pre titans of classical Greece.
Yet it is more than evident that the qualities and symbolic concepts of Armenon, it was god or giant, are more than related to the war, the heroic, victorious and brave the fight for the proto Germanic world.
Armenon, had five children according to the Welsh monk Nennius: Gothus, Valagothus, Cibidus, Burgundus and Longobardus.
My idea makes me think that the Geats or Getae ... the Goths. It felt really descendants Gaut / Gautúr, who adopted the name of Goths, as indicated in Jordanes. It is therefore in my opinion and deduction, Gaut, Odin to the original Gothic. And above all deities, mythological beings associated with the concept of pre deity or titans in the classical world. For this reason I assert that Armenon is a Titan pre deity, a giant Gothic mythology. Of course he falls Gaut god father of the Goths.
Gothus giant
origin of the Goths Following mythology espoused by the Welsh monk Ninnius, Gothus is one of the sons of the giant Armenon war. Here do we find the duality so characteristic of the Indo-European. And is that Gothus, the giant father of the lineage of the Goths, it is the same as or Gautúr Gaut. The writer himself says, now supported by the Germanic mythological. Descended from the Goths Gothus. While historians now recognize that the Gothic people considered a descendant of a god who took Getas name (Goths). The name of that deity has come through classical writers such as Jordanes. Who we describe the arcane cults prohibited Goths in eastern Europe. To a god called by them Gaut (Odin), Gautúr, Gutar. Who sacrificed humans before hanging tree wars, or crushes and hanging their members in the woods.
Gothus is therefore, like Gault, but perhaps on a smaller and unknown evolution of Gothic mythology. Like the giant god father of the tribe or village. Playing to deduct and figure out, you might say to understand, perhaps Gothus was how giant Armenon son, before he tests or mandates, which transformed into God. Also very characteristic and typical of the Indo-European peoples along all its legends and sagas.
In the ritual and symbolic. Gothus Gautúr will be equivalent to, but in a more primitive aspect. Still, it Gaut Gothus is Gautúr is Gutar, Odin, Wotan. Valagothus
origin of giant valagodos
Sadly little or nothing is known about Valagothus, with the exception of what is written in the chronicles of the monk Ninnius. Who says that according to the Germans, is the son of Armenon Valagothus and Gothus brother. Giving rise to the tribes of the valagodos.
Unfortunately not much is known about this mysterious valagodos tribe. While it is assumed that this could be a family branch of the Goths themselves, who long ago migrated from the island of Gotland (Sweden), through the lands of the Baltic Sea (Lithuania).
In any case, is also a giant Valagothus God, source of a people. Gothus brother, Cibidus, Burgundus, and Longobardus.
may Valagothus, was the source of the Visigoths. Especially if we accept the possibility that really an offshoot of the Dacians from Gotland, docked their boats in Lithuania. As from this point of view Lithuania, the mythical land of Scanzia described by Jordanes. Theory is that surely would like very much to Jurate Rosales Lithuanian driving theory Visigoths. In this way, would be the giant Gothus gave rise to the Geats settled in Sweden, and Valagothus giant that gave birth to the Visigoths who would travel across Europe to reach the lands of Toledo.
Whatever the case, Gothus, Armenon Valagothus and are the pillars, the guardians of arcane primitive symbolic essence of the Gothic people. And we must treat them as representatives of the essence, origin of the people.
Armenon, had five children according to the Welsh monk Nennius: Gothus, Valagothus, Cibidus, Burgundus and Longobardus.
My idea makes me think that the Geats or Getae ... the Goths. It felt really descendants Gaut / Gautúr, who adopted the name of Goths, as indicated in Jordanes. It is therefore in my opinion and deduction, Gaut, Odin to the original Gothic. And above all deities, mythological beings associated with the concept of pre deity or titans in the classical world. For this reason I assert that Armenon is a Titan pre deity, a giant Gothic mythology. Of course he falls Gaut god father of the Goths.
Gothus giant
origin of the Goths Following mythology espoused by the Welsh monk Ninnius, Gothus is one of the sons of the giant Armenon war. Here do we find the duality so characteristic of the Indo-European. And is that Gothus, the giant father of the lineage of the Goths, it is the same as or Gautúr Gaut. The writer himself says, now supported by the Germanic mythological. Descended from the Goths Gothus. While historians now recognize that the Gothic people considered a descendant of a god who took Getas name (Goths). The name of that deity has come through classical writers such as Jordanes. Who we describe the arcane cults prohibited Goths in eastern Europe. To a god called by them Gaut (Odin), Gautúr, Gutar. Who sacrificed humans before hanging tree wars, or crushes and hanging their members in the woods.
Gothus is therefore, like Gault, but perhaps on a smaller and unknown evolution of Gothic mythology. Like the giant god father of the tribe or village. Playing to deduct and figure out, you might say to understand, perhaps Gothus was how giant Armenon son, before he tests or mandates, which transformed into God. Also very characteristic and typical of the Indo-European peoples along all its legends and sagas.
In the ritual and symbolic. Gothus Gautúr will be equivalent to, but in a more primitive aspect. Still, it Gaut Gothus is Gautúr is Gutar, Odin, Wotan. Valagothus
origin of giant valagodos
Sadly little or nothing is known about Valagothus, with the exception of what is written in the chronicles of the monk Ninnius. Who says that according to the Germans, is the son of Armenon Valagothus and Gothus brother. Giving rise to the tribes of the valagodos.
Unfortunately not much is known about this mysterious valagodos tribe. While it is assumed that this could be a family branch of the Goths themselves, who long ago migrated from the island of Gotland (Sweden), through the lands of the Baltic Sea (Lithuania).
In any case, is also a giant Valagothus God, source of a people. Gothus brother, Cibidus, Burgundus, and Longobardus.
may Valagothus, was the source of the Visigoths. Especially if we accept the possibility that really an offshoot of the Dacians from Gotland, docked their boats in Lithuania. As from this point of view Lithuania, the mythical land of Scanzia described by Jordanes. Theory is that surely would like very much to Jurate Rosales Lithuanian driving theory Visigoths. In this way, would be the giant Gothus gave rise to the Geats settled in Sweden, and Valagothus giant that gave birth to the Visigoths who would travel across Europe to reach the lands of Toledo.
Whatever the case, Gothus, Armenon Valagothus and are the pillars, the guardians of arcane primitive symbolic essence of the Gothic people. And we must treat them as representatives of the essence, origin of the people.
They are the three titans giants that gave rise to the race of the Goths
Teolfo Rodriguez

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