Pedro de Cantabria was Duke Cantabria. He was probably born somewhere in the Cantabrian mountains and died AD 730. His son, Alfonso I "the Catholic" (son of Don Pelayo), his grandchildren and several were elected kings of Asturias and the Asturian nobility.
Until the nineteenth century, based on the ancient chroniclers, it was believed he was the son of the Visigoth king Ervigio, but some historians and genealogists today doubt it. Not know the name of his or their wives.
The eldest son of Duke Peter of Cantabria, Alfonso I, was the third king of Asturias and father of King Fruela I of Asturias. His second son, Fruela, was the father of kings and Bermudo Aurelio, and gave birth, through his son Bermudo, one of the main lineages of which came from the monarchs of the kingdoms of Asturias, León, Navarra, Castilla and Aragon, who later would give rise to the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. According to old chronicles
Muslim, in the year 714, Musa ibn Nusair takes and sacks for the second time Amaya, the capital of the Duchy of Cantabria, forcing Peter and his family to hide behind the mountains. They combined forces with the leader Asturias Pelayo to fight the Muslim invaders, who are defeated in the Battle of Covadonga. It is likely that, following the usual Gothic, Pedro send his son to the royal court in Cangas de Onis Pelayo. According to the passage transcribed below the Albeldense Chronicle, Duke and King Pedro Pelayo agreed to merge their domains through the marriage of Alfonso (son of Peter) to Ermesinda (daughter of Pelayo):
Until the nineteenth century, based on the ancient chroniclers, it was believed he was the son of the Visigoth king Ervigio, but some historians and genealogists today doubt it. Not know the name of his or their wives.
The eldest son of Duke Peter of Cantabria, Alfonso I, was the third king of Asturias and father of King Fruela I of Asturias. His second son, Fruela, was the father of kings and Bermudo Aurelio, and gave birth, through his son Bermudo, one of the main lineages of which came from the monarchs of the kingdoms of Asturias, León, Navarra, Castilla and Aragon, who later would give rise to the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. According to old chronicles
Muslim, in the year 714, Musa ibn Nusair takes and sacks for the second time Amaya, the capital of the Duchy of Cantabria, forcing Peter and his family to hide behind the mountains. They combined forces with the leader Asturias Pelayo to fight the Muslim invaders, who are defeated in the Battle of Covadonga. It is likely that, following the usual Gothic, Pedro send his son to the royal court in Cangas de Onis Pelayo. According to the passage transcribed below the Albeldense Chronicle, Duke and King Pedro Pelayo agreed to merge their domains through the marriage of Alfonso (son of Peter) to Ermesinda (daughter of Pelayo):
Adefonsus, Pelagi gen, reg. an. XVIIII. Iste fuit filius Petri Cantabriae Ducis, et dum Asturias come Ermesindam Pelagii filiam proecipiente Pelagius, accepit
of Setién Enrique Flórez. Spain sacred t. XIII, par. VI
After the death, on 14 September in the year 739, during a hunt-for Favila (who had succeeded his father as king Pelayo astures), Alfonso is appointed the first king of unified domains in hereafter be known with the name of Asturias. Posterity knows the name of Alfonso I the Catholic. "
Gonzalez Echegaray, J., The Cantabrian, Ed Library Studio, Santander (Spain)
Gonzalez Echegaray, J., The Cantabrian, Ed Library Studio, Santander (Spain)

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