Marta Torne
Extract Marta Torné interview granted to "El Periodico de Catalunya".
- Who was in the World Cup final played Spain and the Netherlands?
"Well silly, as with Spain. How do I go to Holland ...? "It's
Catalans had they won the Dutch wanted ...
"Yeah, but I do not understand. Also, if there is any doubt, 80% of the team was FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich ...
"Well this is what we have ... "My
mother was glad that Spain won, for example, and I respect that. But I do not understand what to do with politics. My mother is supernationalism and FC Barcelona.
"Perhaps, then, that was very angry with what the statute ...
"Sure you are angry. Since I work in Madrid I took more distance and I realized that there is much crooks here and there. Both the English nationalist critics. It is the same there.
- Catalunya has occurred in a fracture with this selection?
"The fracture has existed for many years. The problem is that will not heal and goes further complicating. I am Catalan, but I also see that there is much emotional blackmail of a bygone era: we should look forward.
- Think it's still possible the fit of Catalunya in Spain?
-already the question bothers me. Why do you have to find fit when part of Spain? I, since I live in Madrid, I'm enjoying many things that Barcelona did not enjoy. I have found, for example, the flamenco.
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