Sardana Catalan nationalism
"The Sardana, Catalan folklore Hellenic roots"
Another myth, and the department. Remembering
small sardanas dances in Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona, \u200b\u200borganized by El Corte Ingles, where we all learn and-proud-to defend our ancient traditions. The Sardana, dance "national" in Catalonia, dance roots linked to the ancient Hellenic and Catalan folklore.
Well, that's a myth. The Sardana not have Greek origins (it was invented by the right-wing Catalan late nineteenth century), nor can be considered folklore, nor is any tradition in Catalonia.
Young musicologists insist to demystify Catalan Sardana and its creator, Joseph (Pep) Ventura, breaking definitively with that traditional discourse, distorted and mythologized.
For example, the young Anna Costal (Figueres, 1981), musicologist and content of the cobla Olesa Vila, working on a doctoral thesis that attempts to remove the foliage of myth and finding, for example, sardanas "outlawed" Pep Ventura.
The background of the myth:
"For years we have met the Pep Ventura Catalan literature behind a deliberately distorted image. -Policy goals that seek to drop the twentieth century the creation and institutionalization of new myths and new traditions for a modern Catalonia and sovereign justify the invention of a sardana "traditional" .
This creates a myth
"The Sardana Catalan makes the dance" national "in Catalonia and the musician a legend Pep Ventura, reinventing his biography and proscribing certain sardanas operettas and operas inspired by fashion, banned just because they did not fit the purist discourse of Catalan ".
(Josep Playà Maset).
Thus, the idealization of Pep Ventura begins with the "History of the Empordà" (1883), Pella and Forgas, and continues to Verdaguer and his poem "The Empordà" (1884), as a wheel spinning roses and carnations the sun-and also in praise of Joan Maragall Sardana.
Thereafter, the biographies of the musicians have always been based on "romantic image of a peasant self, impoverished childhood, through the intercession of the popular muse, began to collect folk songs and insert-Catalan and saving them from oblivion, to the Sardana, a prehistoric dance Ampurdán reached by Greeks and Phoenicians. " Also
, distorted music Pep Ventura breaking any links with contemporary music and linking the old Catalan folklore. Pous i Pagès writes:
"From the beginning, the musician ampurdanés also paid tribute to the vulgarity of the time, putting the reasons sardana pace of Italian operators more fashionable, but how could escape, poor musician isolated in a corner of the world, to pay tribute to those who were considered by arguably superior, in the opinion of people literate? ".
We, therefore, as historians, poets, writers, men of culture are at the service of nationalist political power at the time, to create and invent signs for Catalan identity is to model a preset ideology.
This breaks a myth, a process of demystification:
The exhibition by Pep Ventura myth when Sardana was a dance craze "(2009), Anna Costal, breaks with the traditional discourse. Recover music Ventura without golden mythical or legendary, musical scores as the "Sardana of Sonàbula" which includes excerpts from Bellini's opera premiered in Figueres in 1866, and inspired other operettas such as "The cancer of 6 d "October."
Pep Ventura is presented in the context of his era and, flush with his biography, surpassing the idealization which had been subjected.
Non-Fossil Folklore:
Stanley Brandes believes that the sardana can not enter into the classification of folklore, folk dances and what "are learned and transmitted informally, not through organized classes, are not free, sponsored, as with the Sardana. Also, folk dances certainly evidence of progress, despite being invisible ... Instead, it has been fossilized sardana a century in different variants of a sequence unchanged, ideally perfect movements. Certainly, this type of standardization is not characteristic of any type of folklore, or just dance ".
The Sardana as "invented tradition": Brandes
sardana classifies as "invented tradition", a concept defined by Hobsbawm and Ranger (1986) as "a set of practices, normally governed by openly or tacitly accepted rules and ritual or symbolic types ... which automatically implies continuity with the past. "
Well, Brandes believes that, indeed, the Sardana in a century rose to a special symbolic status, representing a common heritage with "a mythical past ill-defined."
Brandes And is that neither can give sardana Hellenic origin:
"These historical reconstruction attempts are futile. The circle dance is so widespread, and the circular shape so universal, it would be surprising had not been invented independently danced in many places and times. Currently, we have no documentary evidence to enable uninterrupted sardana to trace the ancient Greece. Therefore, this speculation should cease ".
The Sardana is an invention of mid-nineteenth century. The right of the nineteenth century nationalism seeks the creation and institutionalization of new myths and new traditions for a modern Catalonia and sovereign.
This justifies the invention of a sardana "traditional": a dance and music in fashion at that time, with ties to the Italian operetta, zarzuela and is subjected to a process of mythologizing by political and ideological reasons, all making up ancient and traditional roots. Becomes, well, in dance "national" in Catalonia.
same time, it was building and forging the myth of Pep Ventura: idealization historical, literary, musical, twisting his image conscious, down to proscribe much of his music for "little Catalan."
This process is what some call "invented tradition": the need for traditions that the society is what causes his invention in times of rapid changes of socio-economic or political, as was the Industrial Revolution and the "Renaixença "late nineteenth century. And it is this context-not myths and legends, where we find the origin and meaning of the Sardana.
Another myth!
You can check here: / pepventura.pdf ~ enricang / literary / ball / sardana.htm
http://www id = 513
Paradoxically sardana is so old in Catalonia and the Seville.
"When sardana study and its history must be taken into account with the same time in Catalonia sevillanas. Can all of a sudden surprising, because the Seville has always come to associate the Andalusian folklore. But the fact is that, like flamenco, are music and dance with long experience in the Principality ".
Author: Blog "Mites català i Mentides of Nationalism." A l'enllaç
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