telescope is called any tool or tool that allows you to see distant objects. Is the fundamental tool of astronomy, and each development or improvement of the telescope has been followed by advances in our understanding of the Universe .
usually attributed its invention to Lippershey Hans, a German lens maker , around 1608. Galileo Galilei heard about this invention and decided to design and build one. In 1609 the first telescope was recorded. Thanks to the telescope, made great discoveries in astronomy , most notably the observation, January 7, 1610, four of the moons of Jupiter circling the planet .
Known until then as the spy lens, the telescope was first proposed name for the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani the April 14, 1611 at a dinner in Rome in honor of Galileo; dinner where guests were able to observe the moons Jupiter through the telescope that Galileo had brought.
There are several types of telescopes, refractors significantly, using lenses, reflectors , which have a concave mirror instead of the objective lens and reflectors , which have a concave mirror and a correcting lens. The reflecting telescope was invented by Isaac Newton in 1688 and was a major breakthrough on the telescopes of his time to easily correct the chromatic aberration property of refracting telescopes.
usually attributed its invention to Lippershey Hans, a German lens maker , around 1608. Galileo Galilei heard about this invention and decided to design and build one. In 1609 the first telescope was recorded. Thanks to the telescope, made great discoveries in astronomy , most notably the observation, January 7, 1610, four of the moons of Jupiter circling the planet .
Known until then as the spy lens, the telescope was first proposed name for the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani the April 14, 1611 at a dinner in Rome in honor of Galileo; dinner where guests were able to observe the moons Jupiter through the telescope that Galileo had brought.
There are several types of telescopes, refractors significantly, using lenses, reflectors , which have a concave mirror instead of the objective lens and reflectors , which have a concave mirror and a correcting lens. The reflecting telescope was invented by Isaac Newton in 1688 and was a major breakthrough on the telescopes of his time to easily correct the chromatic aberration property of refracting telescopes.
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