Escudo y bandera cuatribarrada in Spain do not see the flag until the twelfth century. Alfonso VII of León (1126-1157) adopted the heraldic lion, and Alfonso VIII of Castile (1157-1214) adopted the emblem of the castle for his coat. In Aragon coat of arms was introduced in the reign of Alfonso II (1162-1196), as it tells the Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña monarch he "moved their arms and senyales of Aragon and lit sticks."
The first pieces where undoubtedly make an appearance the "bar", no room any chance of discussion is on the stamps of the chancery of Alfonso II, King of Aragon and Ramon Berenguer IV's son and Dona Petronilla. This use, about being true and documentable, is regular. So you can take to prove that the first known use of official and "bar" occurs on a King of Aragon, who indicated in his coat and clothes from his horse.
From that moment, the universal tradition calls such suits "bars of Aragon" and, at the time, late, they begin to canonize the rules of the art of heraldry, the word "Aragon" is specifically to designate clubs gules on gold field.
whole tradition, persistent, the Aragonese royal chancery means always, the emblem palado, with names such as "nostre senyal reial", "signum regni nostri", "senyal dels Reys d'Aragon," etc., referring stubbornly and expressly to the condition of the royal coat of arms, who were the rulers of Aragon precisely because they are kings of Aragon, and for no other reason. When the kings of Aragon before the conquest of Valencia by Jaime I - refer to the clubs, do it in those terms, and is, that, when they do not have any royal title, as Counties of Catalonia future are not and have conquered, yet, Valencia.
King of Aragon is sole owner of that emblem. Hence, the king who, in using these specific powers, granted to some major cities and people the honor of appearing legally and officially, as especially associated with him. Thus, for example, occurs with capitals of various states Hispanic, with the exception of Zaragoza, for reasons of special arrangements: a Mallorca and Valencia, who possessed no weapons themselves for having been under Muslim rule, are granted the use of royal arms, with an attachment or brisura (range color) help verify the distinction between the emblem of the sovereign and the respective cities. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhose shield is the Cross, later evolved to form georgina (cross gules on silver), the Aragonese sovereign (at a time, count of the city and its own territory) provides also the use of sticks, which are combined in heraldry Barcelona with a distinctive cross the city for centuries.
In 1172 King Alfonso II of Aragon Millau annexed to the Crown of Aragon. In 1187 a letter from King confirms the rights of Millau and its six consuls-free social and legal administration policy for its inhabitants receiving the arms of King of Aragon. Alfonso II be the first king to grant the use of the bars of Aragon, and Millau the first city to receive them, it is the granting of "vexillum nostrum," royal standard "for exclusive use in the seal of the town, which traditionally become the current label Concejil: While a king of Aragon uses in his arms a number of clubs gules Other members of his family, so contemporary, use fewer: the decline in heraldry serves, at once, to show how the user (spouse, sibling or child of the sovereign, usually) belongs to the House of Aragon, but is not the monarch himself, working out, with this simple and common course record, at once the problem of identification of the lineage, and the safeguarding of exclusive use on the full emblem, which corresponds to the king only.
Regarding the provision to be adopted, it is clear that, in Shields, is his natural, that is, vertical. But when it comes to flags, the kings of Aragon, stood, according to numerous testimonies medieval graphics in landscape mode. Hence, while not very heraldry the term "bar" to the "sticks", not bad the use of this word if it refers to its representation in any position. When the banner was carried by way of script, that is, as transposition of the shield, the tissue used to be square and supported by the shaft and a top rail, subject to the one at right angles. But if guns are available in royal flag, the medieval paintings abundantly represented horizontally, both in terms Alcaniz Teruel, Daroca, Barcelona, \u200b\u200betc. And without exception, in official documents and medieval and Renaissance chronicles referred eternally to this sign as "Aragon", whose battle cry or cheer the troops, from whatever source (including the strictly Catalan) of the kings of Aragon.
Banner of the Kings of Aragon That
gules clubs were strictly private emblem of the King of Aragon (and not even the family of each individual sovereign) and who were cinese inextricably linked to whom the Crown of Aragon in the strict sense (that of the kingdom particular) proves the changes of dynasty, as when Ferdinand I of Trastamara assumes, without having used them before, clubs, having been elected king of Aragon by Caspe electors.
be good also noted that the distinctive emblem and one of the "Provincial General de Catalunya" (now "Government") was always to the cross of St. George, according to data provided by the fifteenth century Zurita and officially becomes apparent in such high-profile date and modern as the Catalan revolt against Philip III, justified by MPs in a written and edited so famous, in which abounds frontis precisely the cross emblem also appears on stamps of the same institution, with representation from San Jorge sometimes, and not the "bars" (the bears the stamp of the Royal Court in Catalonia, which is significant for its connection to King), that where itself is shown in those belonging to the Provincial of the Kingdom of Aragon. Source
bars. The most accepted hypothesis of the origin and possible signal of the House of Aragon would be the trip of Sancho Ramírez (1064-1094) in Rome in 1068 to consolidate the young kingdom of Aragon offered in allegiance to the Pope, even documented servitude in the amount of the tax of 600 gold marks per year. After that trip the kings of Aragon take the familiar emblem on gold red bars, in memory of former vassal relationship, inspired by the colors characteristic of the Holy See, documented on the tapes lemniscus Vatican stamps and still visible today in the Vatican umbrella.
In any case, there is nothing repugnant to the origin of the papal emblem, if it is false that was used by anyone before by King Alfonso II.
Legends, manipulations and lies. Tomb of Ramón Berenguer II: controversy over the origin of the "bars of Aragon." Tomb of Ramón Berenguer II was found in 1982 in the Cathedral of Gerona, a smooth, rectangular sarcophagus whose only exterior decoration, in good condition, consists of a sequence of 17 vertical strips about 5 cm, alternately red and gold, identified with the traditional weapons of the Crown of Aragon.
According to some authors (Fluvià, Martin de Riquer ...), this primitive coffin Gerona come to support the thesis of Catalan origin of the saying that bars the county of Barcelona race was red emblem sticks on a gold background before to the junction of County of Barcelona with the Kingdom of Aragon and therefore, even before the birth of heraldry documented in Western Europe (1141-1142).
The existence of emblem of gold-and red sticks in the original tomb of Ramon Berenguer II is questioned by experts and academics in heraldry Alberto Montaner Frutos and Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, for whom the heraldic decoration of the tomb is an addition on his transfer 1385 inside the Cathedral of Gerona on the initiative of Pedro IV of Aragon, so that the aforementioned painting would be 300 years later, since, according to these authors, it is impossible to retain the painting in the open in its original location for three centuries . For his part, English Francesca Bertram, who studied in depth the grave, says that the paintings "in no case be contemporary at the time of initial burial. "
Ramón Berenguer IV Seal
have also been used arguments in favor of FC Barcelona of teaching based on reasons and numismatic sigillography all of them without exception, inconsistent. Fundamental part in these arguments is some official stamp of Ramón Berenguer IV. From this count the number of sovereign, preserved (very well publicized by the famous sphragistic Sagarra Ferran), all appear, as usual, a noble horseman and warrior, horse coat and gowns. The shield, in the known specimens is smooth. The specimens are stored in Marseille, quite deteriorated, presented in the rider pointed shield certain scratches that have been interpreted by some as hints or traces of the "bars." Direct examination of the parts, the study of their reproduction, especially for the label in 1150, very imaginatively drawn, and the good sense to many researchers allowed a remarkable degree of doubt, to the extent that is not supported universally, this argument as evidence of anything. In fact, there are different reasons (and not only by the low visibility of the imprint of the seal) for that. First, the irrefutable fact that such a shield has a boss, an outgoing spherical projection, at its core, which is already exceedingly difficult to imagine, broken by him, the "bars." Secondly, it is commonplace that, in some of these medieval shields, clubs are represented, but not with heraldic significance, but accurate portrayal of those who were external reinforcements to give the war shield greater resistance to shock. Third, that when the war shield heraldic emblems are displayed, and more in the case of a sovereign dynasty, these emblems are reproduced in the trappings of the mount, what we obviously did not happen. And fourth, that the aspect that offer vertical strokes in the repeated shield is quite clear to those who do not contemplate biased, the impairment of simple scratches and strokes are not recorded on the same label.
Two arguments of great weight, it added. We know the heraldry used by Ramón Berenguer IV in pieces such officers and need a set of rules as their currency sovereign Count of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthese pieces of silver, like those of his predecessors, showed no other insignia (other than a rod or lis) that of the cross, typical of Barcelona and its Casa Condal, which always had its own emblem, the oldest known seal of the city of Barcelona showing "bars" besides the traditional cross is from 1289. Such use of the cross was derived after the special name of the currency county of Barcelona's "croat" or "crossover."
The Legend of the Hairy Wifredo Historians Martín de Riquer and Menéndez Pidal de Navascués attributed to the Valencian historian Pere Antoni Beuter (1490 -1555), in his Second Part of the General Chronicle of Spain, printed in Valencia in 1551, the invention of the widespread legend that attributes the origin of the bars golden field gules an epic episode of the biography of Count Wilfred the Hairy, "Wilfred Pilos, founder of the House of Barcelona. According to this account, Wifredo, after contributing to a victory in open battle on the Normans, was the Frankish emperor Louis the Pious a yellow shield on which a reward, the king himself painted, with fingers stained with blood from the wounds of the count, four red sticks.
This legend as such, has no historical basis, for neither the use of arms and the emperor were contemporaries of Wilfred. Louis the Pious died in 840 while Wilfredo the Hairy was born in 873.
The true sign of the Counts of Barcelona Much insist Catalan nationalists and separatists, and many people now believe that the sign of the Counts of Barcelona were the four bars, despite not having any evidence and demonstrate that their arguments are refuted in this article.
But what if there is evidence of the use of the cross by the Counts of Barcelona.
Ramón Berenguer II
The Count of Barcelona. Registration of image: "In • R (amon) • Beretta • • e march comte (e) s • in • Barch (e) canvas • attorneys • d'Espanya".
With shield, surcoat, helmet, banner, housings and scabbard with the emblem of the cross gules plain silver field assigned as personal weapons. Thumbnail
first third of the fourteenth century in the edition of the Usages of Barcelona manuscript preserved in the Z-III-14 of the Escorial Library. C3% B3n_Berenguer_con_sus_armas_personales_-_Cruz_de_San_Jorge.jpg Ramón Berenguer III
Ramón Berenguer III. On one side the cross, the sign of the Counts of Barcelona. Ramón Berenguer IV
currency Ramon Berenguer IV in one of its faces the Cross, the sign of the Counts of Barcelona. Roger de Lauria (1245-1305) and marine origin Italian military service to the Crown of Aragon:
"Ne single name galley think its another dog vexell go over sea, under guidance of King of Arago; it not only galley, ne Lenya, believes that more dogs are raised on fish nengun sea, or if Hun door or shield King senyal d'Arago the COHA, per show Guiatges of that noble senyor, the King and Cecilia d'Arago. " " I do not think any other boat galley or dare to go over the sea without the safe conduct of the King of Aragon, but not limited to gallery, or log, because I do not think any fish would dare to rise above the sea, if not wearing a coat or sign
the King of Aragon in line, to show the pass of that noble lord, the King of Aragon and Sicily.