The annual cycle comes to an end with the celebration of Samhain, in which time it dies, and past, present and future melt in an instant, here and an hour. Always happens after death transformation and rebirth that brings Yule, with the elevation of the Sun and the resurgence of life with Solar Christmas, leading to the start of our annual cycle.
Heimfall-Samhain: Night of October 31 to November 1. Where doors open at different worlds and our ancestors and heroes share the time with us is dead and living together in one night. Thus we remember the ancestors of our people and the heroes fallen in battle. Fire in his honor, and celebrate a feast together. The whole family is present in this celebration where the pictures and objects that remind us of our ancestors is not gone, they are still with us and accompany us in human existence. This is the end of the annual cycle, and glimpses of Christmas, the rebirth, the birth of the cycle. The supreme god Odin (Gautúr for the Goths), is the goddess of the night, lord of death and origin of our people. The spear, symbolizing the power of Odin, must be present tonight. The bonfires are lit to guide our ancestors to their former homes.
This is an organic cycle of our existence as "emerge-exist-away to a new arise." Under this perspective is when we move into the eternity of our cyclical view of time.
The body of religious festivals of Odinism are a reflection of a reenactment of the events made by the gods and divine beings in a primordial and mythic time. The festival calendar is therefore an update of a sacred time by which the religious man becomes one with the gods, introducing a sacred dimension of life and thus sanctifying the very existence. In this regard, and according to Mircea Eliade, "The periodic updating of creative acts performed by the divine beings in Illo Tempore is the sacred calendar, all the parties."
Through this liturgical season, in which part of the sacred Odinist allows us to live regularly in the presence of our gods and ancestral spirits.
publish the calendar of events for the celebration
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