These were the Alans
The Alans are generally tall and handsome, with almost all blond hair. His gaze before is fierce martial, not yielding to the Huns in the speed of the attack and warlike: but they are more civilized in their way of dressing and feeding. The enjoyment that the characters are peaceful and quiet at rest, what do they consist of danger and war. To the Alans the highest honor is to lose their lives in the battlefield. Die of old age or accident is a disgrace for which there are many outrages, and kill a man is never well celebrated heroism. The most glorious trophy is the scalp of the enemy, serving as decoration on the horse behind the winner. The weak by age or sex is concerned, outside and around the cars, things that do not require physical strength. But the hardy men, accustomed from childhood in horse riding, considered dishonorable to use your feet. The war has no accidents have not done rigorous training, so they are excellent soldiers. If the Persians are warriors by nature, are to originasiamente circulated blood through his veins Scythian.
Among them religion has no church or building, not even a thatched shrine. A naked sword stuck in the ground, is the emblem of Mars, or rather, the god of war, the supreme deity and your barbaric altar of devotion.
Ammianus Marcellinus
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