Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Word An Invitation For Hair Show

Bonaventura Carles Farriols

The manager unwittingly spark the recovery of Catalan culture and language was the scholar, economist and politician Barcelona Aribau i Farriols Bonaventura Carles, born in Barcelona on 4 November 1798.

Enjoys poetry since his youth, compiled in 1817 under the title Essays of poetry, his early writings in English.

also wrote a handful of verses in Catalan and Italian. During the triennium

liberal wrote, in line with political developments those days, romantic poetry and songs of liberal and patriotic exaltation:

"While you are persecuting slaves
oh, Lopecio, with fierce cry, sing
I intend to free, not in vain
am free and singer.
receives the praises of a stranger who is superior, you're
and French and English and I am sir. "

Throughout his life he collaborated, he founded and edited numerous publications, of varying circulation, duration and success, dedicated to the defense of liberal political ideology moderate (The Constitution, The English, The Spain, La NaciĆ³n, The Voice of Reason, The European correspondent, etc.).

On the other hand, Aribau must be one of the most important publishing initiatives throughout the XIX English, the creation of the Library of English Authors, launched with the help of an editor Catalan, Manuel Rivadeneira, and for which remarkable wrote introductory studies for several of the works in it appeared.

The Aribau most famous poem Ode to the Motherland is written in Catalan, which appeared in the newspaper El Vapor on August 24, 1833. As Aribau was not used to write in Catalan had to ask for help from his friend Frank Renart i Arus to correct her mistakes.

Catalan representatives of later decades Aribau reproached that apart from the famous Ode, no write in Catalan rather than three short poems of little importance compared to its copious production in Castilian, as well as its disregard for the movement recovery of Catalan that he had involuntarily turned his poem. Not only that, but Aribau even publicly praised the efforts of the English Government to generalize in all domains the same language. "

Manel Montoliu, for example, where Aribau study published in 1936, said:

"We can not talk, unfortunately, Aribau catalan, even in the most attenuated. " Later

Aribau served various positions in government, as a member of the Council of Agriculture and Commerce, Treasury director general, director of the Mint and Real State Farm, etc.

As an economist he defended protectionism and to this end he founded in 1861 The Economic Truth, from whose pages battled supporters of free trade.

As a politician, he played in the ranks of moderate liberalism. His main contribution was writing his Reflections on the irrelevance of the planned reform of the Constitution, booklet published in 1844. Aribau

died in his hometown, after a lengthy illness, on 17 September 1862.


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