cocreating Reality and a Renaissance Generating Solar ... from infinity inside the rest of the Cosmos ...
specific Occupation: Organization for Comprehensive Event Support-Ability Holistic and Conscious Transition to a Better World.
Concept: CATALYZING the gathering of people with similar visions and training in areas of a holistic range, long linked to improving the quality of human life in harmony with nature. Thus helping to recover and adapt the skills to co-exist as an integral part of the natural system eliminating destructive separation illusory. Actually expresses invite challenges to recover and awaken latent abilities, so realistic, optimistic and working consciously and holistically.
main areas: Sustainable Living and Permaculture . Bio-Natural Building and Architecture. Natural Agriculture and Bio-Dynamic. Integrating : Ancestral Wisdom and Transition Current. Nature and (r) Evolution Transcendent. Nutrition and Healing. Music and Art.
Mission: To provide favorable conditions for : personal training and group integration. In this way, it encourages the realization of projects of different nature, always derived from a healthy holistic thinking. Concrete Effect Summary: ACTION AWARENESS NETWORKS
economic : Non-profit, self-sufficient and Resilient at a time. Its maintenance and development revenue is due to roll-over contributions in the course-workshops, sales of natural products and other possible collaborations with people who support the initiative.
Long term goal: Establish a Living Universe: By taking root in the suitable site, step forming a center for research, development and education, focusing on local community and open to the world. Well represented, from the practical reality, a holistic model of life, fostering care Earth, people and plenty for everyone ...
Conviction: still time ... if we act now. CULTURE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT STANDING and dynamic and evolving.
Inspiring: Rudolf Steiner, Fukuoka, Bill Mollison, Mahatma Gandhi , Gregg Braden, Krishnamurti, Echkart Tolle, John Seymour ... (some)
Welcome !!!...
"You can never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing obsolete." Buckminster Fuller
To finish understand the initiative share these wise words: SEE
Podstudensek Patricio, founder.
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