This Germanic kingdom as we know, lost all power after the defeat expansive Orbigo River in demonstrated a remarkable military inferiority against the Visigoths. The kings who succeeded to Reckiario not improve their military capabilities, distinguishing, says Torres Rodríguez, for their rapacity and their attacks on unarmed populations or groups of farmers, which fought successfully against the Visigoths. They were, says the author, "more greedy and turbulent, that tenacious and heroic." But despite all these defects were not exempt from cunning, political skill and relative strength, enabling them to survive for 177 years
However, this situation came to an end when the Visigoths were determined to achieve complete control of Hispania situation in which we must frame the end of the Swabian kingdom.
In 573, Leovigildo, having fought hard to the Byzantines in southeastern Hispania, decided to send their armies to the north. That same year Sabaria conquered the region, devastating the lands of sappi. Thompson and Orlamdis think it was a semi-independent kingdom of Asturias.
In 574 it was the turn of Cantabria, a region located between the lands of Santander and Burgos, according Ordalis. The Gothic king exterminated full Senate Cantabria, one of whose components are called Abundantius, a Roman name, and conquered Amaya. Basque nationalist historians as Orella Unzue believe that this campaign was against the Cantabrian and the Basques and the latter were expelled from Amaya, while Rodriguez Torres said they were Swabians. However, sources dealing with this era, especially the life of St. Emiliano, written by St. Braulio of Zaragoza, reject this interpretation, asserting that the true rulers of the area were hispanoromanos landowners wishing to create a separate political structure in the area.
The following year 575, the Visigothic army penetrated into the mountains of Orense, an area bordering the Swabian kingdom, and took possession of a prince named Aspidio along with his wife and children, taking over the region. In the 576 it was the turn to the Swabian kingdom itself.
Two years ago, the monarch himself, Myron, terrified Leovigildo campaigns, had sent an embassy the great enemy of the Visigoths, gotra of Burgundy. However, could not reach their destination, as Chilperic intercept them. It is quite possible to learn what happened the Visigoth king decided to punish the Swabians. Because, as Rodriguez Torres:
"Leovigildo must have been about five or six years older than Myron; so that you get over age, particularly in size and warlike polotica"
But this was not possible at the moment. According to that historian Galician, the causafundamental was:
"the resistance that had to offer in this action, the Swabians and Galician, brothers in the same Catholic faith, increased war with guerrillas in the mountains, difficult for the Gothic cavalry "
But it is more likely to be the situation in Southeast Hispania Leovigildo that forced to accept the peace offer by Myron, leaving the punishment of the Swabians for another day.
In subsequent years, and fearing another attack Visigothic King attempt to undermine the monarchy Swabian Toledo. The occasion was present when the rebellion broke out in San Hermenegildo, which we will talk. Myron not only child support Leovigildo Catholic, but sent envoys to gotra of Burgundy and Emperor Maurice to join them in a large coalition against the Visigoth king.
But their projects did not bear fruit, and when the truth was the only support for the rebel. However, do not hesitate to meet its commitments, an army moving to Sevilla in the year 583 in order to fight alongside Hermenegildo. But his forces were besieged by the Visigoths and Myron forced to sign a peace treaty drive was accompanied by a promise to remain faithful and loyal to the Visigoth king. This allowed him to save his army and return to Galicia. Soon after, the young king died. According to Gregory of Tours, a victim of the infected water and harmful air of southern Spain. Rodríguez Torres has left us, meanwhile, a more poetic account of the causes that led to the death of the monarch.
"had been a coward to the scrutiny and Leovigildo terrible, had betrayed his ideals, even at the price of saving his life and that of his soldiers. Cowardice and betrayal were unforgivable crimes that gnaw his conscience of Germany and gentleman, for it was seized by despair and grief to be considered failed "
Myron's death meant the beginning of the end of the Swabian monarchy. His successor, Eurico or Ebor, was a timid young man of character, perhaps too young, that following the advice of his dying father, or perhaps his advisers, opted to pursue a policy of submission Leovigildo. The Visigoth king demanded an oath of allegiance and then gave him symbolic of the kingdom. This may indicate that already at this time the Swabian kingdom was a kind of fiefdom of the Visigoths. This assertion Rodríguez Torres, taking into account the historical period, one must accept it with care.
This policy of submission to Leovigildo early provoke a reaction among the nobility of the kingdom under the leadership of Audeca or Andec, a Swabian noble fiancé or husband of the sister of the young king .. rebels gathered an army that confronted the royal troops, defeating them completely in the year 585. Audeca ordered that Eurico was tortured and therefore reduced to the clerical state. Soon after, he appointed a priest, while his mother was married to Siseguta, widow of Myron. Leovigildo
was then occupied with the revolt of his son Herman. However, news from the northwest of the peninsula had to worry a lot, they decided to send an expedition against Audeca.
This expedition, which was to conquer the kingdom, was developed in less than a year.
The Visigoth army opted to follow the path west coast, as the mountainous route he had taken in the operation of the 576 was too difficult. According to Torres Rodriguez, the route was Evora, Beja, Lisbon, Santarem, and Coimbra. From this city crossed the Douro and Porto took hold quickly. Without stopping, because the surprise was his best weapon, took Braga. There Audeca apprehend and seized the treasure of the Swabians. The Visigoth king's reaction was like that this had had with his predecessor on the throne: Audeca was tonsured, ordained priests, and held in the monastery of Beja.
The storming of the prison capital of the Swabian king assumed the end of this kingdom, for the nobility surrendered en masse to Leovigildo. San Isidoro writes: "Destroyed the Swabian kingdom, step to the power of the Visigoths." For his part, Juan de Biclaro states that "The King Leovigildo devastated Galicia, divest the kingdom to the king seized Audeca and subjected to his power the people, the treasure and home of the Swabians, and makes the Goths province. " However, unless we have noted earlier, no precise data on the development of the campaign. We know nothing about the composition of the contending armies or major combat, having us to settle the claim of Juan de Biclaro of the Gothic monarch campaign had been swift and devastating.
Upon learning of the fall of the Swabian kingdom, the great enemy of the Goths, Gotram of Burgundy, decided to send a fleet to their aid. According to Gregory of Tours, the ships were intercepted and seized by the army of Leovigildo. It is quite possible that although these vessels could not fulfill its mission, Gontran agents were in part responsible for the uprising of noble Swabian Amalric. But this action was doomed to failure from the very beginning, as the Visigoth army, which controlled the steps of the Pyrenees, and Navy, who did the same with the Atlantic coast of Hispania, precluded any possibility of foreign aid to the rebels. And without this assistance could not dream of victory. However, general Leovigildo not trusted, and acting quickly quelled the revolt, Amalric taken prisoner and handed him over to Leovigildo chains.
With this last and unsuccessful attempt to loft, complete history of the kingdom of the Swabians in Hispania. From this moment, becomes the sixth province Gothic kingdom.
However, this situation came to an end when the Visigoths were determined to achieve complete control of Hispania situation in which we must frame the end of the Swabian kingdom.
In 573, Leovigildo, having fought hard to the Byzantines in southeastern Hispania, decided to send their armies to the north. That same year Sabaria conquered the region, devastating the lands of sappi. Thompson and Orlamdis think it was a semi-independent kingdom of Asturias.
In 574 it was the turn of Cantabria, a region located between the lands of Santander and Burgos, according Ordalis. The Gothic king exterminated full Senate Cantabria, one of whose components are called Abundantius, a Roman name, and conquered Amaya. Basque nationalist historians as Orella Unzue believe that this campaign was against the Cantabrian and the Basques and the latter were expelled from Amaya, while Rodriguez Torres said they were Swabians. However, sources dealing with this era, especially the life of St. Emiliano, written by St. Braulio of Zaragoza, reject this interpretation, asserting that the true rulers of the area were hispanoromanos landowners wishing to create a separate political structure in the area.
The following year 575, the Visigothic army penetrated into the mountains of Orense, an area bordering the Swabian kingdom, and took possession of a prince named Aspidio along with his wife and children, taking over the region. In the 576 it was the turn to the Swabian kingdom itself.
Two years ago, the monarch himself, Myron, terrified Leovigildo campaigns, had sent an embassy the great enemy of the Visigoths, gotra of Burgundy. However, could not reach their destination, as Chilperic intercept them. It is quite possible to learn what happened the Visigoth king decided to punish the Swabians. Because, as Rodriguez Torres:
"Leovigildo must have been about five or six years older than Myron; so that you get over age, particularly in size and warlike polotica"
But this was not possible at the moment. According to that historian Galician, the causafundamental was:
"the resistance that had to offer in this action, the Swabians and Galician, brothers in the same Catholic faith, increased war with guerrillas in the mountains, difficult for the Gothic cavalry "
But it is more likely to be the situation in Southeast Hispania Leovigildo that forced to accept the peace offer by Myron, leaving the punishment of the Swabians for another day.
In subsequent years, and fearing another attack Visigothic King attempt to undermine the monarchy Swabian Toledo. The occasion was present when the rebellion broke out in San Hermenegildo, which we will talk. Myron not only child support Leovigildo Catholic, but sent envoys to gotra of Burgundy and Emperor Maurice to join them in a large coalition against the Visigoth king.
But their projects did not bear fruit, and when the truth was the only support for the rebel. However, do not hesitate to meet its commitments, an army moving to Sevilla in the year 583 in order to fight alongside Hermenegildo. But his forces were besieged by the Visigoths and Myron forced to sign a peace treaty drive was accompanied by a promise to remain faithful and loyal to the Visigoth king. This allowed him to save his army and return to Galicia. Soon after, the young king died. According to Gregory of Tours, a victim of the infected water and harmful air of southern Spain. Rodríguez Torres has left us, meanwhile, a more poetic account of the causes that led to the death of the monarch.
"had been a coward to the scrutiny and Leovigildo terrible, had betrayed his ideals, even at the price of saving his life and that of his soldiers. Cowardice and betrayal were unforgivable crimes that gnaw his conscience of Germany and gentleman, for it was seized by despair and grief to be considered failed "
Myron's death meant the beginning of the end of the Swabian monarchy. His successor, Eurico or Ebor, was a timid young man of character, perhaps too young, that following the advice of his dying father, or perhaps his advisers, opted to pursue a policy of submission Leovigildo. The Visigoth king demanded an oath of allegiance and then gave him symbolic of the kingdom. This may indicate that already at this time the Swabian kingdom was a kind of fiefdom of the Visigoths. This assertion Rodríguez Torres, taking into account the historical period, one must accept it with care.
This policy of submission to Leovigildo early provoke a reaction among the nobility of the kingdom under the leadership of Audeca or Andec, a Swabian noble fiancé or husband of the sister of the young king .. rebels gathered an army that confronted the royal troops, defeating them completely in the year 585. Audeca ordered that Eurico was tortured and therefore reduced to the clerical state. Soon after, he appointed a priest, while his mother was married to Siseguta, widow of Myron. Leovigildo
was then occupied with the revolt of his son Herman. However, news from the northwest of the peninsula had to worry a lot, they decided to send an expedition against Audeca.
This expedition, which was to conquer the kingdom, was developed in less than a year.
The Visigoth army opted to follow the path west coast, as the mountainous route he had taken in the operation of the 576 was too difficult. According to Torres Rodriguez, the route was Evora, Beja, Lisbon, Santarem, and Coimbra. From this city crossed the Douro and Porto took hold quickly. Without stopping, because the surprise was his best weapon, took Braga. There Audeca apprehend and seized the treasure of the Swabians. The Visigoth king's reaction was like that this had had with his predecessor on the throne: Audeca was tonsured, ordained priests, and held in the monastery of Beja.
The storming of the prison capital of the Swabian king assumed the end of this kingdom, for the nobility surrendered en masse to Leovigildo. San Isidoro writes: "Destroyed the Swabian kingdom, step to the power of the Visigoths." For his part, Juan de Biclaro states that "The King Leovigildo devastated Galicia, divest the kingdom to the king seized Audeca and subjected to his power the people, the treasure and home of the Swabians, and makes the Goths province. " However, unless we have noted earlier, no precise data on the development of the campaign. We know nothing about the composition of the contending armies or major combat, having us to settle the claim of Juan de Biclaro of the Gothic monarch campaign had been swift and devastating.
Upon learning of the fall of the Swabian kingdom, the great enemy of the Goths, Gotram of Burgundy, decided to send a fleet to their aid. According to Gregory of Tours, the ships were intercepted and seized by the army of Leovigildo. It is quite possible that although these vessels could not fulfill its mission, Gontran agents were in part responsible for the uprising of noble Swabian Amalric. But this action was doomed to failure from the very beginning, as the Visigoth army, which controlled the steps of the Pyrenees, and Navy, who did the same with the Atlantic coast of Hispania, precluded any possibility of foreign aid to the rebels. And without this assistance could not dream of victory. However, general Leovigildo not trusted, and acting quickly quelled the revolt, Amalric taken prisoner and handed him over to Leovigildo chains.
With this last and unsuccessful attempt to loft, complete history of the kingdom of the Swabians in Hispania. From this moment, becomes the sixth province Gothic kingdom.
Roberto Muñoz - Visigoth army from its origins to the battle of Guadalete

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