The Basques appear in military history, as indicated in Córdoba Garate, in the second Punic war, first forming part of the Carthaginian armies and, later, Romans. People hard, wild and poor, well-supported Roman rule, perhaps because they needed his help against the Cantabrian and Asturian (Celtic), its secular enemies. This loyalty to Rome led them to join the guard of Octavian Augustus, as the study García Bellido. Later, after the defeat of Asturian and Cantabrian, joined the Roman militia, being no disturbance factor for the empire.
However, this situation began to change when Rome was in crisis. According to Sanchez Albornoz, Basques were not Romanized remnants of the Pyrenees which impoverished peasants joined the imperial tax burden were the bands bagaudas that ravaged the valley of the Ebro in the fifth century This theory of the great medieval English has been questioned by many later historians, such as Gonzalo Bravo, who denies the identification between Basques and bagaudas. In any case, you can not deny that there was some relationship between the inhabitants of the Basque and members of the bagaudas, who acted together against the Empire armies sent against looters. This happened in 411, when the Roman general Asturias bagaudas acted against in the territory Basques, or the 443, when it accounted Merobaudes turn.
This situation was further complicated when necessary with the invasion of Spain by the Germanic peoples. The Swabian Reckiario acted against bagaudas located in two campaigns in the years 499 and 456, while Frederick, brother of Theodoric II, it was in the 455. Such actions encouraged the hostility of the Basques to the Germanic peoples, now plaguing their land when they were freed from Roman rule.
From this moment, the Basques have experienced a state of permanent war against the invading peoples, especially the Visigoths. But it was not a conventional war between two armies that fought to conquer territory. As the projects developed by the Basques were meant looting - one of its core business well into middle age. As apparent from the codex Calixtino- while the Visigoths sought to prevent them, robbing them the territory in which they settled, or, if this was not possible because of difficult terrain, inflicting harsh punishments, and establishing a limes, as we know. This attitude is evident from the Visigoths very early. Thus, during the reign of Eurico took over the territory conquered Basques and Pamplona in 481. San Isidoro, referring to the action of the great Visigoth king he writes.
"Then, sending his army, seized Pamplona and Zaragoza and dominating the top of Hispania"
not for long. The crisis that came into Visigothic kingdom after the Basques Vouille allowed to recover their territory, which was independent until the reign of Leovigildo. The great Arian king in 581 start a campaign against them, as John tells us Biclaro. It is difficult to explain this fact, if we consider that at that time the Visigoth king had to cope with more powerful enemies, as were the Byzantines in the southeast, or San Hermenegildo son (Christian).
Again, Orella Unzue uses this fact to claim that the Basques were so powerful an enemy to the Visigoths and the Byzantines. However, this explanation falls under its own weight. Byzantium was, from the military point of view, the enemy were stronger than ever the Visigoths, with the franc, while the Basques did not go from being a group that disrupted the northern border. The reason Leovigildo raging against them in 581 is to be found in the fact that one of his expeditions of plunder, according to Thompson, had reached the Mediterranean, occupying the town of Roses. The Gothic monarch decided to severely punish the northern mountain, sending a strong action against them the first drive out of the city and then continued on their own land, part of which came to power Goth. Leovigildo not happy with that, but also founded the city of Victoriacum in a place near the current Vitoria to control the Basques. And built the limes we have discussed previously.
The continued fighting between the two peoples in the seventh century, although vasconesse proved unable to regain the territory they had seized Leovigildo. Suintila, the monarch who permanently expel the Byzantines, led a campaign against the Basques in the years 621 and 622 to punish their looting raids in Tarragona. San Isidoro gives us the following account of it:
"He made early in his reign an expedition against the Basques, with its forays infested the province of Tarragona, on those occasions, these people, used to run mountains, were victims such terror before the arrival of Suintila that point, as if they recognized to be fair debtors, drawing their weapons and leaving their hands to expedite the appeal, bowed to the necks, pleading, gave hostages, founded the city of Olog goda with their work performance, and promised obedience to his kingdom and his authority and fulfill as many orders will be imposed. "
In this text, Orella
Unzue said "This building Olite, represented a setback for the Basques who saw and slowed its expansion into the Ebro, but not prevent San Braulio as the Basques in 625 threatened back to the region of Zaragoza "
Olite City appears in the texts as Oligitum, not Iriberri.
However, this action did not end the raids of the Basques. During the reign of Recesvinto joined the pretender Froy, facing back to the Visigoths. The situation was repeated during his, Wamba, in the years 672 and 673, in this case coincided with the rebellion of the Duke in the Septimania Paulo, which according to San Julian, the Basques wanted to help. In his history
Wambae - the best source for knowledge of this period - San Julian refers to this coincidence:
"At that time, when these things happened in Gaul, the religious prince Wamba, who was on the part of Cantabria has to fight the fierce people of the Basques, comes with all the land of the Basque army "
The fact that it appears the name of Cantabria Orella has been to say:
"Wamba was now in Cantabria fighting the Basques, not a war of conquest but in a campaign to contain some Basques had been embedded in Visigothic lands"
However, as explained Orlandis well, it was not that the Basques, which Thompson confused with the Basques, where it has never been a Basque people, from any point of view. Had conquered Cantabria, never Basque., But that this region of Spain was at that time the recruitment base and heading for the attack on the Basques. Visigoth king attack carried out with remarkable success. San Julian tells it:
"hardly comes with all the army of the Basque parties, is carried out so effectively the looting of the fields, the harassment of forts and burning of houses, that After seven days, deposed the ferocity of their minds, the rebels agree to submit and get paid for taxes if the life and deliver peace hostages, not so much for the prayers and for the gifts "
If Wamba not just the actions of looting of the Basques in final form because Septimania rebellion that will explain later, obliged him to lead his forces beyond the Pyrenees. San Julian says so:
"therefore, accepted the gifts, collected taxes, and enterprise concerted peace march to Gaul directly (...).
Visigoth The latest campaign against the Basques will take place during the reign of Rodrigo. According to the chronicles, the last Visigoth king was besieged Pamplona when the landing occurred tariq, who was to assume, as once said Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, "loss of Spain." In that sense, Garate Cordoba writes:
"The Basques Hispanic versus Hispanic Goths perhaps contributed to the loss of Spain, far from stopping the army that was to save it."
Roberto Muñoz - The Visigoth army from its origins to the battle of Guadalete -
However, this situation began to change when Rome was in crisis. According to Sanchez Albornoz, Basques were not Romanized remnants of the Pyrenees which impoverished peasants joined the imperial tax burden were the bands bagaudas that ravaged the valley of the Ebro in the fifth century This theory of the great medieval English has been questioned by many later historians, such as Gonzalo Bravo, who denies the identification between Basques and bagaudas. In any case, you can not deny that there was some relationship between the inhabitants of the Basque and members of the bagaudas, who acted together against the Empire armies sent against looters. This happened in 411, when the Roman general Asturias bagaudas acted against in the territory Basques, or the 443, when it accounted Merobaudes turn.
This situation was further complicated when necessary with the invasion of Spain by the Germanic peoples. The Swabian Reckiario acted against bagaudas located in two campaigns in the years 499 and 456, while Frederick, brother of Theodoric II, it was in the 455. Such actions encouraged the hostility of the Basques to the Germanic peoples, now plaguing their land when they were freed from Roman rule.
From this moment, the Basques have experienced a state of permanent war against the invading peoples, especially the Visigoths. But it was not a conventional war between two armies that fought to conquer territory. As the projects developed by the Basques were meant looting - one of its core business well into middle age. As apparent from the codex Calixtino- while the Visigoths sought to prevent them, robbing them the territory in which they settled, or, if this was not possible because of difficult terrain, inflicting harsh punishments, and establishing a limes, as we know. This attitude is evident from the Visigoths very early. Thus, during the reign of Eurico took over the territory conquered Basques and Pamplona in 481. San Isidoro, referring to the action of the great Visigoth king he writes.
"Then, sending his army, seized Pamplona and Zaragoza and dominating the top of Hispania"
not for long. The crisis that came into Visigothic kingdom after the Basques Vouille allowed to recover their territory, which was independent until the reign of Leovigildo. The great Arian king in 581 start a campaign against them, as John tells us Biclaro. It is difficult to explain this fact, if we consider that at that time the Visigoth king had to cope with more powerful enemies, as were the Byzantines in the southeast, or San Hermenegildo son (Christian).
Again, Orella Unzue uses this fact to claim that the Basques were so powerful an enemy to the Visigoths and the Byzantines. However, this explanation falls under its own weight. Byzantium was, from the military point of view, the enemy were stronger than ever the Visigoths, with the franc, while the Basques did not go from being a group that disrupted the northern border. The reason Leovigildo raging against them in 581 is to be found in the fact that one of his expeditions of plunder, according to Thompson, had reached the Mediterranean, occupying the town of Roses. The Gothic monarch decided to severely punish the northern mountain, sending a strong action against them the first drive out of the city and then continued on their own land, part of which came to power Goth. Leovigildo not happy with that, but also founded the city of Victoriacum in a place near the current Vitoria to control the Basques. And built the limes we have discussed previously.
The continued fighting between the two peoples in the seventh century, although vasconesse proved unable to regain the territory they had seized Leovigildo. Suintila, the monarch who permanently expel the Byzantines, led a campaign against the Basques in the years 621 and 622 to punish their looting raids in Tarragona. San Isidoro gives us the following account of it:
"He made early in his reign an expedition against the Basques, with its forays infested the province of Tarragona, on those occasions, these people, used to run mountains, were victims such terror before the arrival of Suintila that point, as if they recognized to be fair debtors, drawing their weapons and leaving their hands to expedite the appeal, bowed to the necks, pleading, gave hostages, founded the city of Olog goda with their work performance, and promised obedience to his kingdom and his authority and fulfill as many orders will be imposed. "
In this text, Orella
Unzue said "This building Olite, represented a setback for the Basques who saw and slowed its expansion into the Ebro, but not prevent San Braulio as the Basques in 625 threatened back to the region of Zaragoza "
Olite City appears in the texts as Oligitum, not Iriberri.
However, this action did not end the raids of the Basques. During the reign of Recesvinto joined the pretender Froy, facing back to the Visigoths. The situation was repeated during his, Wamba, in the years 672 and 673, in this case coincided with the rebellion of the Duke in the Septimania Paulo, which according to San Julian, the Basques wanted to help. In his history
Wambae - the best source for knowledge of this period - San Julian refers to this coincidence:
"At that time, when these things happened in Gaul, the religious prince Wamba, who was on the part of Cantabria has to fight the fierce people of the Basques, comes with all the land of the Basque army "
The fact that it appears the name of Cantabria Orella has been to say:
"Wamba was now in Cantabria fighting the Basques, not a war of conquest but in a campaign to contain some Basques had been embedded in Visigothic lands"
However, as explained Orlandis well, it was not that the Basques, which Thompson confused with the Basques, where it has never been a Basque people, from any point of view. Had conquered Cantabria, never Basque., But that this region of Spain was at that time the recruitment base and heading for the attack on the Basques. Visigoth king attack carried out with remarkable success. San Julian tells it:
"hardly comes with all the army of the Basque parties, is carried out so effectively the looting of the fields, the harassment of forts and burning of houses, that After seven days, deposed the ferocity of their minds, the rebels agree to submit and get paid for taxes if the life and deliver peace hostages, not so much for the prayers and for the gifts "
If Wamba not just the actions of looting of the Basques in final form because Septimania rebellion that will explain later, obliged him to lead his forces beyond the Pyrenees. San Julian says so:
"therefore, accepted the gifts, collected taxes, and enterprise concerted peace march to Gaul directly (...).
Visigoth The latest campaign against the Basques will take place during the reign of Rodrigo. According to the chronicles, the last Visigoth king was besieged Pamplona when the landing occurred tariq, who was to assume, as once said Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, "loss of Spain." In that sense, Garate Cordoba writes:
"The Basques Hispanic versus Hispanic Goths perhaps contributed to the loss of Spain, far from stopping the army that was to save it."
Roberto Muñoz - The Visigoth army from its origins to the battle of Guadalete -

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