The starting point of this campaign is to be found in two important events occurred in the V century: the election with the support of the Visigoths by Marco Flavio Maecilio Avitia as Emperor of the West July 9, 455 - following the murder of Valentinian III and Aetius - and the campaign of expansion of the Swabians in the hand of his king Reckiario - son of Theodoric I - in Hispania. Regarding the first, was the Visigoth king Theodoric II - son of Thierry I and murderer Turismundo his brother - who persuaded the noble Gallo-Roman to accept the imperial crown, then vacant. The words of the Visigoth king, according to Sidonius Apollinaris, were:
"We must proclaim Augustus. To deprive anyone of the Empire it is not in anyone's hand. If you put yourself in front of the fates of Rome, it can count on my friendship, if thou proclamations prince, I'll be your soldier.
is imperative that the world is put at your command, or you will perish. "
is difficult to know the reasons that pushed the Visigoth king to take this decision but it is clear that her friendship with Avitus was authentic and loyalty the new emperor indisputable. This is illustrated by the fact that giving up its expansion beyond the Loire in order to protect his new ally. Similarly, we can say that the cult Avitus, who had taught at the Latin Visigoth king, behaved in the same way with his ally, allowing you to enter in Arles, which had fought with untiring perseverance his predecessors.
This friendship helps explain the attitude of the Visigoth king to the second crucial fact that we have cited: Reckiario expansionary policy. We say partly because if the alliance with Avitus explains the fact that in the campaign against the Visigoths, Swabians would act as imperial troops, so is that since Ataulfo, the Visigoth monarchs had set their sights on Hispania. An example of this is in 454, when Theodoric II and his brother Federico (fratricide as) had intervened in the Tarragona against bagaudas. Coalition of impoverished farmers and some Germans and non-Germanic peoples, such as the Basques. That sowed anarchy in Gaul and Spain during the fifth century It is very possible that by then the Visigoth king thought of the formation of a kingdom in Gaul and Spain that had as its spine the Pyrenees. If this was the idea of \u200b\u200bTheodoric II, the Swabians were giving him an excellent excuse to carry it out.
Reckiario was king since 445. Converted to Catholicism in 448, beginning then a policy of expansion across Hispania led him to control most of it around the year 450. However, neither the people nor it fell short of its ambitions. Swabian town, as Osorio, had turned their swords into plowshares and, further, as Reinhart, should not be adding a whole, more than 30,000 people, of which only 8,000 were warriors as their king, Torres Rodríguez us describes it as:
"raised in an atmosphere of triumphalism cuddly, more daring than proactive, courageous if and deeds, but with more percussion and more daring strength that courage"
This amount was not, Of course, the best recipes to get around the V century Europe, where smart people, greedy, adventurous, heroic, trying to win the spoils of the Roman Empire.
After the battle field and the resulting recovery Cataláunicos imperial power Reckiario was forced to sign a treaty with the Romans in 453 on the back at the achievements made, becoming an ally of the Empire. But in 456, considering the authority of Rome weakened, Reckiario attacked the Carthaginians, a province that had returned to Rome in the treaty of 453. Given this fact, Avitus, as head of the Western Roman Empire, and Theodoric II, as his faithful ally, sent an embassy to the Swabian king, chaired by the Earl Fronton, the same who had signed the treaty of 453 with Reckiario.
The Swabian king's attitude to the imperial commission was dismissive, even threatening to attack Toulouse. This was the excuse he needed a character as cold and calculating as Theodoric II to undertake a campaign against him.
First, he sent a fleet of seven ships and about 400 warriors Heruli the coast of Lugo, to spread alarm in the enemy's rear, preventing the Swabians crossed the Pyrenees and move towards Toulouse. Theodoric II's forces were defeated by the Swabians, but only suffered two casualties.
As these forces attacked the rear Swabian, the Visigoth king came into contact with Franks and Burgundians, not only to reinforce his army, but also to prevent an attack from behind. Also reinforced his army with Heruli and Varna, as explained by Jordanes. Once he had his forces ready, and aware of his superiority, as indicated by Rodríguez Torres sent a new embassy, \u200b\u200bcarrying an ultimatum to Reckiario. The Swabian king replied with a new campaign of looting in Tarragona. Given this attitude Reckiario, Theodoric II was launched with his army. San Isidoro wrote that Theodoric II
"From Hispania Aquitaine enters with a large army and with the consent of the emperor Avitus"
Apparently, this expedition was to fulfill the orders of the Emperor against unfair Swabian king, but the real purpose was to expand their Visigothic kingdom in Hispania.
From Aquitaine, the Gothic army spent the Pyrenees and penetrated into Hispania. Theodoric II took great care to cross as quickly as possible to Tarragona, a Roman province, so that could not be accused of trying to conquer empire. Goth
The king was aware that was an Arian, while the vast majority of the population hispanoromana was Catholic, as were the Swabians. Theodoric II was smart enough to think that, given the hatred of Catholics felt by the Arians, if there was the slightest suspicion that they intended to take possession of Hispania, the population of this territory could join Reckiario, constituting assume a formidable foe. Hence, at any time stop serving notice to restore the imperial power violated by the Swabians.
The route followed, therefore, was to cross the Pyrenees at Roncesvalles and, following the Roman road passed through Pamplona and Briviesca, from where he went to Astorga (León), Reckiario city that had its base of operations. During this march
Gothic troops met no resistance until they reached the vicinity of Orbigo River, 12 miles from Astorga, there I waited for the army Reckiario, who had begun a hasty march from Tarragona, where he was performing the aforementioned plundering campaign.
The battle took place on October 5 year 456. Know their location thanks to the works of Jordanes and Hidacio, the great chronicler of the Swabians. Yet we know very little about the development of it. Rodriguez Torres says that the armies of both contenders were similar in number, but with important qualitative differences. The Goths were superior in number and ferocity, in the cavalry, weapons, training, military experience and discipline. They were the very men who five years earlier had destroyed the army of the dreaded Attila. By contrast, the Swabians were more predators fierons fighters. His army consisted primarily of infantry, poorly equipped and poorly trained. Which had had no great battles and heroic deeds for many years. More accustomed to plunder peasant farms and slaves, who fight against powerful armies of tanned men in war.
possessed some mounted cavalry small and fast horses, but not accustomed to fighting units and be equipped with little education. Under these conditions, the battle had already before one possible outcome: the victory of Theodoric II.
The fight must have been a front, according to historian before above, no helmet, or tactical ploy. It appears that the resistance of the Swabian troops broke before the first charge of the Gothic cavalry. First launched their missiles and then attacked with spears and swords. One of the darts hit Reckiario himself, who had to be removed from the battlefield and transferred to Braga. While this was happening, his men were decimated by the Goths Gardingo. The casualties of the Swabians were so huge, auque a large group of them, mostly on horseback, he fled in the direction of Braga, leaving his companions in the battlefield.
This victory meant Visigothic troops to rule out any possibility of Swabian in Hispania, and early settlement of the Visigoths in it. San Isidoro explains a significant phrase
"And there (Hispania) set your home and the Visigoth empire"
Theodoric II, however was not satisfied with having defeated the Swabian army in the province of Leon, but he was willing to settle in Hispania, and this required breaking the power of any town rival.
Rome, which was an ally, and as such continued to act, was no longer any danger, because the imperial power was crumbling. But Reckiario and few troops available even if. So, after leaving a garrison in Astorga and supplies to camp for at Braga. His goal was to destroy the kingdom of the Swabians.
On October 27 came to that city. It was not Reckiario, who had fled with a few supporters to Porto. After looting Braga, especially the Catholic church buildings that had long supported the cause of the Swabian king, is heading towards Porto. Upon hearing this, try to flee again Reckiario. This time by sea to Italy, where he could join his compatriot Recimero, then magister militum of Italy. Although she
ship, a storm forced him to return to your starting point, where a prisoner was given to Theodoric II. The Visigoth king ordered it to be stuck. Thus ended the adventure of a king whose dreams of grandeur did not fit nor the military capability of its people or their own political virtues. But contrary to what might be expected by the landslide victory of the Goths, his seat did not disappear. But that would last a century and a quarter more, but as a real protectorate of the Visigoths and confined to the mountainous region of Galicia.
For its part, Theodoric II, after the death of Avitus dismissal in September of 456, continuing its policy of expansion in Hispania. In this sense, San Isidoro writes:
"Theodoric victorious march of Galicia and Lusitania, when I thought plunder the city of Merida, back terrified at the miracles of the blessed martyr Eulalia. Then, frightened by adverse news, Merida leaves and goes to Gaul, sending back to the regions of Galicia part of his army to his generals, who, after plundering the region of Astorga, returning again to Gaul. "
Visigoth king This policy was made possible by the triumph of the Battle of the River Orbigo. Torres Rodriguez has captured perfectly the meaning of this in the following paragraph:
"(..) of what not doubt is that Theodoric II, to victory in the river Orbigo, looting of Braga Reckiario execution and their advisers. Had taken the Swabians national flag of Spain Domain. Its immediate objectives were the incorporation of the Lusitania and the alphabet to the Visigothic kingdom, which was fortunate to see made before the end of his days. The final elimination of Swabian kingdom and conquest of the rest of Spain was to be time-consuming task, restricted to their successors "
Roberto Muñoz - The Visigoth army from its origins to the battle of Guadalete -
"We must proclaim Augustus. To deprive anyone of the Empire it is not in anyone's hand. If you put yourself in front of the fates of Rome, it can count on my friendship, if thou proclamations prince, I'll be your soldier.
is imperative that the world is put at your command, or you will perish. "
is difficult to know the reasons that pushed the Visigoth king to take this decision but it is clear that her friendship with Avitus was authentic and loyalty the new emperor indisputable. This is illustrated by the fact that giving up its expansion beyond the Loire in order to protect his new ally. Similarly, we can say that the cult Avitus, who had taught at the Latin Visigoth king, behaved in the same way with his ally, allowing you to enter in Arles, which had fought with untiring perseverance his predecessors.
This friendship helps explain the attitude of the Visigoth king to the second crucial fact that we have cited: Reckiario expansionary policy. We say partly because if the alliance with Avitus explains the fact that in the campaign against the Visigoths, Swabians would act as imperial troops, so is that since Ataulfo, the Visigoth monarchs had set their sights on Hispania. An example of this is in 454, when Theodoric II and his brother Federico (fratricide as) had intervened in the Tarragona against bagaudas. Coalition of impoverished farmers and some Germans and non-Germanic peoples, such as the Basques. That sowed anarchy in Gaul and Spain during the fifth century It is very possible that by then the Visigoth king thought of the formation of a kingdom in Gaul and Spain that had as its spine the Pyrenees. If this was the idea of \u200b\u200bTheodoric II, the Swabians were giving him an excellent excuse to carry it out.
Reckiario was king since 445. Converted to Catholicism in 448, beginning then a policy of expansion across Hispania led him to control most of it around the year 450. However, neither the people nor it fell short of its ambitions. Swabian town, as Osorio, had turned their swords into plowshares and, further, as Reinhart, should not be adding a whole, more than 30,000 people, of which only 8,000 were warriors as their king, Torres Rodríguez us describes it as:
"raised in an atmosphere of triumphalism cuddly, more daring than proactive, courageous if and deeds, but with more percussion and more daring strength that courage"
This amount was not, Of course, the best recipes to get around the V century Europe, where smart people, greedy, adventurous, heroic, trying to win the spoils of the Roman Empire.
After the battle field and the resulting recovery Cataláunicos imperial power Reckiario was forced to sign a treaty with the Romans in 453 on the back at the achievements made, becoming an ally of the Empire. But in 456, considering the authority of Rome weakened, Reckiario attacked the Carthaginians, a province that had returned to Rome in the treaty of 453. Given this fact, Avitus, as head of the Western Roman Empire, and Theodoric II, as his faithful ally, sent an embassy to the Swabian king, chaired by the Earl Fronton, the same who had signed the treaty of 453 with Reckiario.
The Swabian king's attitude to the imperial commission was dismissive, even threatening to attack Toulouse. This was the excuse he needed a character as cold and calculating as Theodoric II to undertake a campaign against him.
First, he sent a fleet of seven ships and about 400 warriors Heruli the coast of Lugo, to spread alarm in the enemy's rear, preventing the Swabians crossed the Pyrenees and move towards Toulouse. Theodoric II's forces were defeated by the Swabians, but only suffered two casualties.
As these forces attacked the rear Swabian, the Visigoth king came into contact with Franks and Burgundians, not only to reinforce his army, but also to prevent an attack from behind. Also reinforced his army with Heruli and Varna, as explained by Jordanes. Once he had his forces ready, and aware of his superiority, as indicated by Rodríguez Torres sent a new embassy, \u200b\u200bcarrying an ultimatum to Reckiario. The Swabian king replied with a new campaign of looting in Tarragona. Given this attitude Reckiario, Theodoric II was launched with his army. San Isidoro wrote that Theodoric II
"From Hispania Aquitaine enters with a large army and with the consent of the emperor Avitus"
Apparently, this expedition was to fulfill the orders of the Emperor against unfair Swabian king, but the real purpose was to expand their Visigothic kingdom in Hispania.
From Aquitaine, the Gothic army spent the Pyrenees and penetrated into Hispania. Theodoric II took great care to cross as quickly as possible to Tarragona, a Roman province, so that could not be accused of trying to conquer empire. Goth
The king was aware that was an Arian, while the vast majority of the population hispanoromana was Catholic, as were the Swabians. Theodoric II was smart enough to think that, given the hatred of Catholics felt by the Arians, if there was the slightest suspicion that they intended to take possession of Hispania, the population of this territory could join Reckiario, constituting assume a formidable foe. Hence, at any time stop serving notice to restore the imperial power violated by the Swabians.
The route followed, therefore, was to cross the Pyrenees at Roncesvalles and, following the Roman road passed through Pamplona and Briviesca, from where he went to Astorga (León), Reckiario city that had its base of operations. During this march
Gothic troops met no resistance until they reached the vicinity of Orbigo River, 12 miles from Astorga, there I waited for the army Reckiario, who had begun a hasty march from Tarragona, where he was performing the aforementioned plundering campaign.
The battle took place on October 5 year 456. Know their location thanks to the works of Jordanes and Hidacio, the great chronicler of the Swabians. Yet we know very little about the development of it. Rodriguez Torres says that the armies of both contenders were similar in number, but with important qualitative differences. The Goths were superior in number and ferocity, in the cavalry, weapons, training, military experience and discipline. They were the very men who five years earlier had destroyed the army of the dreaded Attila. By contrast, the Swabians were more predators fierons fighters. His army consisted primarily of infantry, poorly equipped and poorly trained. Which had had no great battles and heroic deeds for many years. More accustomed to plunder peasant farms and slaves, who fight against powerful armies of tanned men in war.
possessed some mounted cavalry small and fast horses, but not accustomed to fighting units and be equipped with little education. Under these conditions, the battle had already before one possible outcome: the victory of Theodoric II.
The fight must have been a front, according to historian before above, no helmet, or tactical ploy. It appears that the resistance of the Swabian troops broke before the first charge of the Gothic cavalry. First launched their missiles and then attacked with spears and swords. One of the darts hit Reckiario himself, who had to be removed from the battlefield and transferred to Braga. While this was happening, his men were decimated by the Goths Gardingo. The casualties of the Swabians were so huge, auque a large group of them, mostly on horseback, he fled in the direction of Braga, leaving his companions in the battlefield.
This victory meant Visigothic troops to rule out any possibility of Swabian in Hispania, and early settlement of the Visigoths in it. San Isidoro explains a significant phrase
"And there (Hispania) set your home and the Visigoth empire"
Theodoric II, however was not satisfied with having defeated the Swabian army in the province of Leon, but he was willing to settle in Hispania, and this required breaking the power of any town rival.
Rome, which was an ally, and as such continued to act, was no longer any danger, because the imperial power was crumbling. But Reckiario and few troops available even if. So, after leaving a garrison in Astorga and supplies to camp for at Braga. His goal was to destroy the kingdom of the Swabians.
On October 27 came to that city. It was not Reckiario, who had fled with a few supporters to Porto. After looting Braga, especially the Catholic church buildings that had long supported the cause of the Swabian king, is heading towards Porto. Upon hearing this, try to flee again Reckiario. This time by sea to Italy, where he could join his compatriot Recimero, then magister militum of Italy. Although she
ship, a storm forced him to return to your starting point, where a prisoner was given to Theodoric II. The Visigoth king ordered it to be stuck. Thus ended the adventure of a king whose dreams of grandeur did not fit nor the military capability of its people or their own political virtues. But contrary to what might be expected by the landslide victory of the Goths, his seat did not disappear. But that would last a century and a quarter more, but as a real protectorate of the Visigoths and confined to the mountainous region of Galicia.
For its part, Theodoric II, after the death of Avitus dismissal in September of 456, continuing its policy of expansion in Hispania. In this sense, San Isidoro writes:
"Theodoric victorious march of Galicia and Lusitania, when I thought plunder the city of Merida, back terrified at the miracles of the blessed martyr Eulalia. Then, frightened by adverse news, Merida leaves and goes to Gaul, sending back to the regions of Galicia part of his army to his generals, who, after plundering the region of Astorga, returning again to Gaul. "
Visigoth king This policy was made possible by the triumph of the Battle of the River Orbigo. Torres Rodriguez has captured perfectly the meaning of this in the following paragraph:
"(..) of what not doubt is that Theodoric II, to victory in the river Orbigo, looting of Braga Reckiario execution and their advisers. Had taken the Swabians national flag of Spain Domain. Its immediate objectives were the incorporation of the Lusitania and the alphabet to the Visigothic kingdom, which was fortunate to see made before the end of his days. The final elimination of Swabian kingdom and conquest of the rest of Spain was to be time-consuming task, restricted to their successors "
Roberto Muñoz - The Visigoth army from its origins to the battle of Guadalete -

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