Friday, October 29, 2010

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Samhain Celebration / Heimfall by the COE

The annual cycle comes to an end with the celebration of Samhain, in which time it dies, and past, present and future melt in an instant, here and an hour. Always happens after death transformation and rebirth that brings Yule, with the elevation of the Sun and the resurgence of life with Solar Christmas, leading to the start of our annual cycle.
Heimfall-Samhain: Night of October 31 to November 1. Where doors open at different worlds and our ancestors and heroes share the time with us is dead and living together in one night. Thus we remember the ancestors of our people and the heroes fallen in battle. Fire in his honor, and celebrate a feast together. The whole family is present in this celebration where the pictures and objects that remind us of our ancestors is not gone, they are still with us and accompany us in human existence. This is the end of the annual cycle, and glimpses of Christmas, the rebirth, the birth of the cycle. The supreme god Odin (Gautúr for the Goths), is the goddess of the night, lord of death and origin of our people. The spear, symbolizing the power of Odin, must be present tonight. The bonfires are lit to guide our ancestors to their former homes.
This is an organic cycle of our existence as "emerge-exist-away to a new arise." Under this perspective is when we move into the eternity of our cyclical view of time.
The body of religious festivals of Odinism are a reflection of a reenactment of the events made by the gods and divine beings in a primordial and mythic time. The festival calendar is therefore an update of a sacred time by which the religious man becomes one with the gods, introducing a sacred dimension of life and thus sanctifying the very existence. In this regard, and according to Mircea Eliade, "The periodic updating of creative acts performed by the divine beings in Illo Tempore is the sacred calendar, all the parties."
Through this liturgical season, in which part of the sacred Odinist allows us to live regularly in the presence of our gods and ancestral spirits.
publish the calendar of events for the celebration

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boxer Shorts Days Of The Week

Ervigio king of the Visigoths

king of the Visigoths (680-687). It was great grandson of San Hermenegildo and grandson of King Leovigildo. Ervigio comes to the throne after the conspiracy during which drugged and tricked the king Wamba, for once in this state make him take the tonsure and habit, which again prevented him from being king. Ervigio probably led this conspiracy, along with the metropolitan of Toledo, Julian II (680-690), who anointed him as the new king.
Supported by the XII bishops convened the Council of Toledo (681) to legitimize his usurpation of the throne and put an end to the aspirations of Wamba. Apparently, this is not intended to give validity to his ordination, as had been done in a state of unconsciousness. The council confirmed Ervigio and dismissed the claims of Wamba, adopting the official version which received tonsural Wamba church and the holy oils voluntarily he would not survive a tough disease. Following his victory, he sent his predecessor Ervigio aa a monastery. This whole thing must have left many open wounds as it is mentioned in the chronicle of Alfonso III.
regard to legislative activities Ervigio reign, tried to secure the support of the nobility and clergy, returning possessions and wealth who had taken part in previous riots. We must mention the reduction of certain tax benefits and the elimination of others. It passed a law requiring people to participate in the military and some reforms were made Liber Recesvinto iudiciorum or Code, which favored the nobility, but above all the clergy, we must not forget that rose to power with the invaluable help the archbishop of Toledo. Several of the laws of the Code were partially modified, so that since that time, also known as Code Ervigio. Also rendered strong measures against the Jews, among which are: Not being able to have books contrary to Catholicism, prohibition celebrate Jewish holidays, duty to be baptized in the period of one year and other measures already taken in previous terms as not being able to have Christian slaves, etc; This reiteration in law shows that the measures are not applied rigorously. There is evidence of some clashes with the Arabs and attempted to land.
In an attempt to curry favor with the clergy and nobility, summoned two Councils in a short space of time, a symptom of the fragility of its mandate. In the Thirteenth Council of Toledo suppresses the bishops appointed by Wamba and the Fourteenth Council of Toledo gives nobles and clergy the right not to be imprisoned and being judged by their peers and granted amnesty those convicted of previous uprisings.
In order to secure the throne, married his daughter to Egic Cixilona, \u200b\u200ba nephew of Wamba, and seeking to unite the two families and prevent Wamba noble supporters of trying to regain power after his death.
In the 687, Ervigio ill and appointed as his successor his son Egic, whom he abdicated. He died on 15 November of that year

Thursday, October 7, 2010

High Metabolism Bowel Movements

Rituals Gothic religion

Teo Rodriguez with New Solar Wheel Gothia and has posted a preview on the religion of the ancient Goths, mythological traditions and rituals . The study is not finished, and obviously is subject to constant change as we move forward on them. Still, from FRS, we encourage interested in deepening your reading ritualistic traditions.
As we indicated in the letter itself, the ritual should not be understood today as a religious veneration. But as a memorial or remembrance of our ancestors who were brought to this symbolically through rituals.
Religion of the ancient Goths, not an archaeological lecture on the subject. But it is a spiritual and esoteric, which aims to give new identity Goths a way to reconnect with their past. Vindicating a pagan heritage that reaches today through the blood, which irrefutably links us with the mysteries Indo-Europeans who gave us shape and identity.
The blog is not finished in its entirety, and yet there are many ways to touch and try. Everything arrived in time, be updated as appropriate with relevant developments.
No more, we hope you enjoy reading, it helps you to enhance and further research on your own. And obviously, I will guide identity on which to base your ritualizations memorial next to your comrades, descended to a greater or lesser extent all of the blood of those old Germans who were the Goths. And that gave identity to the majority in Spain of the medieval kingdoms of the Middle Ages, such as Castilla, Toledo, Catalan Counties, Asturias, Cantabria, Navarra, Leon etc.
As always, you can access the link, clik on the image.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What To Do About Dark Spots On Stomach From Scars

Joaquin Rubio de Cataluña Escudo traditional

The cross of St. George was the first symbol to represent the whole of Catalonia. The distinctive emblem and one of the "Provincial General de Catalunya", now generally, was always the cross of St. George.

in the seventh century already detected a certain devotion to St. George in Europe. In Spain is rather late, it seems that the twelfth century.

were the Crusades of the twelfth century and, above all, of XIII which popularized the image of St. George as a warrior that it lacked before. The Crusaders adopted as the patron of what, from the thirteenth century, appearing as a special devotion to the saint of knights and warriors. The old image of St. George as an infant was replaced by a rider with the banner of the cross.

founded Pedro II of Aragon Military Order of San Jorge de Alfama (1201), which adopted the badge of the crusaders (the San Jorge, red cross on white) that from then on it was gradually replacing the Romanesque cross of Charlemagne. Such was the case in Barcelona.

The cross of St George began to be used by the military arm of Barcelona and the flag with the cross of St. George was in use in Barcelona and many people (including remote) that were considered units of Barcelona. The Deputy of Catalonia adopted this flag in 1359 for "being the ancient arms of Barcelona." In

date talked about so much modern as the Catalan revolt against Philip III, justified by Members written and edited a famous then, on whose facade abounds, precisely, the cross of St. George emblem also appears on stamps of the same institution, with representation of St. George at times, and not "bars" (those held by the seal of the Royal Court in Catalonia, which is significant for its connection to King), to which itself is shown in those belonging to the Provincial of the Kingdom of Aragon.

in documents as collections of laws and rights of Catalonia is represented by the cross of St. George the bars of Aragon, since those documents represented the sovereignty of the king.

bars were emblematic Aragon strictly private the King of Aragon (and not even the family of each individual sovereign), and that they were inextricably linked to who cinese Aragonese Crown in the strict sense (that of the kingdom particular) proves the changes of dynasty, as when Fernando Trastámara I assume, without having used it before, the bars, having been elected king of Aragon by the commissioners of Caspe.

Emblem of the Provincial General of Catalonia, now called Government of Catalonia. Seal

paper plate and wafer Diputación General of the Principality of Catalonia in the late fifteenth century depicting the shield bearing their employer the Cross of St. George were the weapons now known as the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Diary of the Provincial del General de Catalunya. C3% B3delGeneraldeCatalunya-1454a1472 (1950). Jpg

now state a series of maps and documents where shows the traditional coat of arms of Catalonia, Aragon barracks bar and crosses of St. George. First

lithography made in Catalonia:

Shield of the Royal Board of Commerce of Catalonia. Josep March. 1815.

This lithograph, with the shield of the Royal Board of Commerce of Catalonia, was the first held in Catalonia in 1815 by Josep March.

Map Catalonia:

Map of Catalonia, with its own shield, quartered Aragon bar and crosses of St. George.

Author: Willem Janszoon Blaeu in 1634.

Constitutions and other rights of Catalonia:

second compilation of laws of Catalonia, agreed in Parliament held at Monzon in 1585, reign of Philip II.

Printed in Barcelona in 1588 under the title "Constitucions i altres drets de Catalunya."

home the third and final compilation of laws of Catalonia, printed in Barcelona in 1704.

two covers appear in the bars of Aragon as a symbol of royal sovereignty and side two crosses of St. George, representing the Diputación General de Catalunya. Crisi

Catalonia: C3% B1a.jpg

Manuel Marcillo, "Crisi of Catalonia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bsn, 1684.

Shield "prince of Catalonia" C3% A1ldico_del_pr% C3% C3% B1a.jpg ADncipe_de_Catalu%

Quarterly Aragon bar and crosses of St. George, on a shield attached to the "Prince of Catalonia" in Gaspar de Torres, Armorial de Aragón, Zaragoza, Provincial Historical Archive, 1536.

Map of Spain:


"L'Espagne", author: Nicholas De Fer, Guillaume Danet, in 1700. Map of 1700

divisions in English regions. In the top margin of an armorial shields of the various divisions. Top
third shield, "Catalogne, Aragon barracks bar and crosses of St. George.

Map of the Kingdom of Aragon: ~ 824 & locale = en & VIEWER_URL = / view / action / & DELIVERY_RULE_ID = 10 & application = DigiTool- 3 & frame = 1 & usePid1 = true & usePid2 = true

If we expand the image will read in the red with a shield quartered bar and crosses of St. George "Part of Catalunna."
Author: Joanne Baptista Sabanna in 1640.

Map of Catalonia: = 1282388814823 ~ 950 & locale = es & VIEWER_URL = / view / action / & DELIVERY_RULE_ID = 10 & application = DigiTool-3 & & usePid1 frameId = 1 = true = true & usePid2

"principatus Cataloniæ.
Map of the Principality of Catalonia to 1696 published in Amsterdam.

Author: Cornelis Danckerts

Map of Spain:

Map of Spain, the shield of Catalonia (Catalogne) the barracks bar of Aragon and crosses of St. George.

Map of Spain:


Map of Spain the shield of Catalonia (Catalonia) the barracks bar of Aragon and crosses of St. George.

Map of Spain: 27Espagne_et_Portugal.jpg . do? dvs = 1282389245747 ~ 772 & locale = en & VIEWER_URL = / view / action / & DELIVERY_RULE_ID = 10 & application = DigiTool-3 & frame = 1 & usePid1 = true & usePid2 = true

Map of Spain, the shield of Catalonia (Catalogne) the barracks bar of Aragon and crosses of St. George.

Map from the "Atlas historique ... HA Chatelain, with editions from 1705 to 1739.
Author: Henri Abraham Chatelain

Map of Catalonia:

Map of Catalonia with Aragon Bar quartered shield and cross of St. George.

St. George and the cross at the Palace of the Generalitat Catalan:

Presiding over the Palace of the St. George, patron saint of Catalonia, and above it, the cross of St George representative of Catalonia.

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Bonaventura Carles Farriols

The manager unwittingly spark the recovery of Catalan culture and language was the scholar, economist and politician Barcelona Aribau i Farriols Bonaventura Carles, born in Barcelona on 4 November 1798.

Enjoys poetry since his youth, compiled in 1817 under the title Essays of poetry, his early writings in English.

also wrote a handful of verses in Catalan and Italian. During the triennium

liberal wrote, in line with political developments those days, romantic poetry and songs of liberal and patriotic exaltation:

"While you are persecuting slaves
oh, Lopecio, with fierce cry, sing
I intend to free, not in vain
am free and singer.
receives the praises of a stranger who is superior, you're
and French and English and I am sir. "

Throughout his life he collaborated, he founded and edited numerous publications, of varying circulation, duration and success, dedicated to the defense of liberal political ideology moderate (The Constitution, The English, The Spain, La Nación, The Voice of Reason, The European correspondent, etc.).

On the other hand, Aribau must be one of the most important publishing initiatives throughout the XIX English, the creation of the Library of English Authors, launched with the help of an editor Catalan, Manuel Rivadeneira, and for which remarkable wrote introductory studies for several of the works in it appeared.

The Aribau most famous poem Ode to the Motherland is written in Catalan, which appeared in the newspaper El Vapor on August 24, 1833. As Aribau was not used to write in Catalan had to ask for help from his friend Frank Renart i Arus to correct her mistakes.

Catalan representatives of later decades Aribau reproached that apart from the famous Ode, no write in Catalan rather than three short poems of little importance compared to its copious production in Castilian, as well as its disregard for the movement recovery of Catalan that he had involuntarily turned his poem. Not only that, but Aribau even publicly praised the efforts of the English Government to generalize in all domains the same language. "

Manel Montoliu, for example, where Aribau study published in 1936, said:

"We can not talk, unfortunately, Aribau catalan, even in the most attenuated. " Later

Aribau served various positions in government, as a member of the Council of Agriculture and Commerce, Treasury director general, director of the Mint and Real State Farm, etc.

As an economist he defended protectionism and to this end he founded in 1861 The Economic Truth, from whose pages battled supporters of free trade.

As a politician, he played in the ranks of moderate liberalism. His main contribution was writing his Reflections on the irrelevance of the planned reform of the Constitution, booklet published in 1844. Aribau

died in his hometown, after a lengthy illness, on 17 September 1862.

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Aribau and Why to the Principality of Catalonia? Jaime Balmes

Principality of Catalonia is the historic and traditional name Catalonia. It is a legal term (in Latin principatus) that appeared in the fourteenth century to name the territory under the jurisdiction of the Catalan Courts, the sovereign of which (Latin princeps) was king of the Crown of Aragon. The

Usatges make the title of Princeps match the Count of Barcelona.

often used the noble title of prince by the heir to the crown. In the case of the Crown of Aragon, heir held the title of Duke of Gerona, later changed to Prince of Gerona. Do not confuse therefore the Principality of Catalonia with a title .

the first fixing of boundaries between the two constituent territories of the Crown of Aragon was produced in 1214: trying to declare a general ceasefire in Catalonia is considered that it reaches up to five, although this border will undergo several changes to Over the same century.

The first reference to principatus Cathaloniae is at the invitation of the Parliament of Perpignan, 1350, chaired by King Pedro the Ceremonious, although the 65 of the Courts usatges Barcelona in 1064, at the time of Count Ramon Berenguer I, already known to the whole assembly principatus counties of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGerona and Osona .

The same Count Ramon Berenguer I is called "Prince of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCount of Gerona and Osona Marquis" (princeps Barchinonensis, eat Gerundensis, marchio Ausonensis) in the Proceedings of the consecration of the cathedral of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin 1058.

Principality's name continued to be used in the decrees of New Plant of the Bourbon administration and was fully in force until the nineteenth century. However, in the Royal Decree of 30 November 1833 by establishing provincial division Spain's Javier de Burgos, the only prince mentioned is that of Asturias, Catalonia listed just like that.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Long Does It Take Pleurisy To Resolve

These were the Alans

The Alans are generally tall and handsome, with almost all blond hair. His gaze before is fierce martial, not yielding to the Huns in the speed of the attack and warlike: but they are more civilized in their way of dressing and feeding. The enjoyment that the characters are peaceful and quiet at rest, what do they consist of danger and war. To the Alans the highest honor is to lose their lives in the battlefield. Die of old age or accident is a disgrace for which there are many outrages, and kill a man is never well celebrated heroism. The most glorious trophy is the scalp of the enemy, serving as decoration on the horse behind the winner. The weak by age or sex is concerned, outside and around the cars, things that do not require physical strength. But the hardy men, accustomed from childhood in horse riding, considered dishonorable to use your feet. The war has no accidents have not done rigorous training, so they are excellent soldiers. If the Persians are warriors by nature, are to originasiamente circulated blood through his veins Scythian.
Among them religion has no church or building, not even a thatched shrine. A naked sword stuck in the ground, is the emblem of Mars, or rather, the god of war, the supreme deity and your barbaric altar of devotion.
Ammianus Marcellinus