Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Authentication Vegas 8


Catalan nationalism is a political movement emerged from Catalan, a cultural movement born in the Renaissance wanted to regain the use of Catalan as a literary language and culture, embodied in the Floral Games.

Catalan nationalism had much to do with its industrial and economic development of Catalonia in the late nineteenth century. Especially following the repatriation of capital that brought the "disaster of 98", which was also used by nationalism to discredit, even more, the image of Spain. Francesc Cambo

explains how nationalism spread from the reasons described above:

"Several reasons contribute to the rapid dissemination of Catalan and the even more rapid rise of its leaders. The loss of the colonies, after a succession of disasters, caused an immense prestige of the state, their representative bodies and political parties that ruled Spain. The rapid enrichment of Catalonia, encouraged by the large number of capital losses were repatriated from colonies, gave the Catalans the pride of wealth improvised, which made them conducive to the work of our propaganda designed to suppress the English State and extol the virtues and merits of Catalonia past, present and future. "
F. Cambo, Memoirs (1876-1936), Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1987, p.41

But in his early nationalism was alien to the people and the feelings of the Catalans. Cambo himself explains in his memoirs:

"Overall, the Catalan was a miserable thing when, in the spring of 1893, I began my performance in it (...) That was a time when the Catalan had all the character of a religious sect. "

who was his secretary and then great writer, Josep Pla, explains it in these words:

"The Catalans were very few. Four cats. In each district had about a Catalan, was usually a distinguished man who was known as crazy. " J.
Pla, Cambo, Nova Magazine Publishing, Barcelona 1928, p.46 Rovira i Virgili

also wrote on the subject:

"There were some Catalan nationalists in Barcelona and some other blow through the county. It could count. Many Catalan towns had one, sometimes none. "
Rovira i Virgili, summaries of catalanisme d'història, p.64

But in the following decades, nationalism has grown large speed. As we have said contributed the "disaster of 98" but no doubt that high growth was due to the manipulations that the nationalists did in history, manipulations that still use today. The Nationalists have reinvented a story where Catalonia has been oppressed by Spain, being the latest manifestation of nationalism, the alleged oppression.

And this historical manipulation parents recognize nationalism, as we shall see.

Cambo wrote in his memoirs:

"Like all great collective movements, the rapid progress of Catalan was due to propaganda based on some exaggerations and some injustices. "

Prat de la Riba gives us another valuable testimony

"We had to get it over with this monstrous bifurcation in our soul, you had to know that we Catalans and Catalan were just that, feeling what we were not to see clearly, deeply, what we were, what was Catalonia. This work, this second phase of the process of nationalization Catalan did not love, like the first, but hatred. "
E. Prat de la Riba, La nacionalitat Catalan, chap. III.

This hatred was directed against those who had been identified as the enemy, Spain, identified in Castilla

"The reaction was violent, with that summary justice of collective movements, the Catalan spirit wanted to make up for past slavery, and not content to reprove and condemn the domination and rulers, but as much as an apology exaggerate about us, debase and belittle everything Castilian, one-eyed and straight, without measure. "

This attitude is seen in the book Compendium of nationalist doctrine, written in 1894 by Prat de la Riba and Pere Muntanyola:

"The English language is characterized by brevity and dryness of his phrases and idioms, to go straight and without twists useless to the expression of things as they are totally the opposite of bombastic forms of the English language, you spend precious time and a lot of words to express the slightest of ideas (... .) The Catalan language is sweeter than English because, while ours has eight vowel sounds, which form a smooth gradation and insensitive, comparable to the one with the French, Castilian has only five vowel sounds and is abundant in guttural as "j" and the "a" clear that the relatives of Semitic languages. "

Another argument of nationalism, ethnic referring to the Castilians Semitism, a topic often repeated by the nationalists of the time, who liked to brag about the racial superiority of the Catalans, who would be Aryans. Yes, believe it was so ...

takes a century nationalism manipulating history, and Catalan society has taken these facts as real, showing a clear ignorance of the history of Catalonia. In an article by Antoni Simon i Tarrés, written some years ago, we read:

"The widespread ignorance on the part of the current Catalan society of their own history does not mean, however, that certain basic ideas of political Catalan drawn from historical references, such as the Catalan people's struggle against the aggressions of the central power, have penetrated major social sectors, and precisely the aim of this paper is to unravel how the political and historical thought, from contemporary Catalan the first men of the Renaissance to the Civil War of 1936-1939 - has been interpreted, used and often manipulated the historical references of the stage of formation of the modern state to feed a nation-state address diverse and changing. "
Antoni Simon i Tarrés, Els limits the Nacionalisme català i Historics, Manuscrits 12, 1994, p.193 et \u200b\u200bseq.

Over a century of manipulation, lies and exaggerations that have made generations of Catalans have absorbed the farce as something natural, in absolute good faith. The result of this manipulation, this cultivation of lies and hatred, could not be other than it is: the rejection of Spain. Especially our youth, taught in schools.

say that every idea is respectable if not use violence to defend it. I say it is also reprehensible any idea that is articulated based on lies and manipulations.

Many Catalans vote for nationalist parties and independence believing they are the best advocates their culture and identity. But do not defend the identity of a people by manipulating their history or culture is defended using it as a "weapon" policy-based or imposing fines.


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