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Pedrell, Albeniz and Granados Manuel Milan and

Pedrell Felip, born in Tortosa on February 19, 1841, was a musicologist and composer. While his stature as a composer was not mediocre, was a prolific writer, musicologist, historian, scholar, conductor and teacher who displayed a tireless work during his eighty years.
He taught at the conservatory in Madrid and professor at the Fine Arts of San Fernando. Almost single-handedly built the foundations of contemporary English musicology. He composed a dozen operas in several languages \u200b\u200b(Castilian, Catalan, Italian and French), symphonic poems, operettas, songs, chamber music works, choral and religious, etc.

In 1859, during the War of Morocco, wrote Spain's voice, with lyrics patriotic ode Antoni Tortosa also Altadill:

"Come yes, my heroic, my martial flag;
that new laurels crowned,
in Fez I will shine today haughty
which shines on the walls of Granada,
Isabel teaches triumphant first (...).
Africa, English!, If dishonor
awkward spot today Iberian Hall
to Fly with Moorish blood wash
your steel pouring in torrents! And teach
Spain to the European deceived,
of strong anger vibrating beam,
that is worthy mother country and still
del Cid and Cortes and Pelayo (...).
Africa, English!, Burning in your chest
in avenging fury
and brightness regain our name
avenger cry VIVA SPAIN! "

The following year, the return of Africa's victorious army, wrote a Hymn to the Catalan volunteers. His

main activity was developed to recover and systematize the English musical heritage with the dual purpose of preventing his disappearance and to seek knowledge so that, with him as a basis, one could build a school English music rooted in their own tradition. Erudución and wrote works of monumental scale, such as bio-bibliographical dictionary of the English musicians, Hispaniae Muscia Schola Sacra, the English opera before the nineteenth century, the edition of the complete works of Tomas Luis de Victoria (the largest English polyphonist XVI century), scientific and historical Emporio organography early English music, organists Antoligía English classical and popular music songbook English.

also edited major journals in musicology as Psalter Sacro-Hispanic, Hispanic-American Musical Enlightenment and religious music in Spain.

published the most important English text of the nineteenth century, his essay for our music, which explains and proclaims the need for a national lyric tradition to live up to that, following the groundbreaking footsteps of Wagner, shone at the time in other European countries. Pedrell explained in this essay with these words to pursuing their work:

Stop patriotic momentum, much higher than the selfish 'pro domo mea', guide my pen. If someone as narrow-minded not really judge and as I say, is: work on my house, so to win in honor of my country, I give: guárdome just what I'm in peace and quiet. "

His witness was picked up by the next generation of composers, who was responsible for consolidating the English nationalist school. Two of its most eminent representatives were also Catalan Albéniz and Granados.

Isaac Albéniz, the most important nineteenth-century English composer, was born in the town of Camprodón Girona, 29 May 1860.
Although he also composed operas, concerts and piano pieces to English outside his greatest compositions were the result of the English nationalist orientation: English Rhapsody, Suite English, Catalonia, Mallorca, Navarra, English national Cantos, Spain, English Serenade, and Songs of Spain . Seriously ill
chronic nephritis, died with only forty-nine years in the French town of Cambo-lesBains on May 18, 1909, just days after receiving a visit from his friend Enrique Granados, who would play the piano for him for that excited and sad farewell. Granados was born

in Lleida on 27 July 1867. With sixteen he began studying composition with Pedrell. Although he composed several operettas and a few works for orchestra, the basics of production was devoted to the piano, an instrument to which he bequeathed the pages that has passed down to posterity: Scenes romantic English Dances, Six pieces on popular English songs and Goyescas.

Given the success of Goyescas, Granados wrote an opera based on that work. Although Paris was scheduled to premiere in World War I forced him to New York to replace Paris, in which Metropólitan premiere took place on January 26, 1916.
President Wilson was invited to give a recital at the White House why it had to delay their return trip to Spain.
sailed to Liverpool, where transfer to Sussex to move to the Continent, but the ship was torpedoed on March 24 in the Channel by a German submarine. Grant got up in a boat, but he died with his wife to jump into the water to save her.


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