The International Network of Cultural Organizations, Great Universal Brotherhood, Online Solar, AC
is a global cultural institution, is dedicated to the welfare and quality of Human life. Promotes individual development activities of human beings and the creation of a climate of unity and cooperation among individuals and peoples. Its aims are twofold:
Individuals: Foster the development of human potential through methods that facilitate and improve the conditions and quality of life through health, nutrition, psychophysical techniques, art, science, philosophy and human solidarity.
is a global cultural institution, is dedicated to the welfare and quality of Human life. Promotes individual development activities of human beings and the creation of a climate of unity and cooperation among individuals and peoples. Its aims are twofold:
Individuals: Foster the development of human potential through methods that facilitate and improve the conditions and quality of life through health, nutrition, psychophysical techniques, art, science, philosophy and human solidarity.
Collective: Facilitate the meeting, communication and unity in a harmonious set of all groups and people from all walks and ideology to work for the welfare of human beings, respecting diversity and plurality of individuals, cultures, beliefs and customs.
want and people can transform into a clean, healthy earth, with thought and understanding spirit and communicative, able to carry out joint actions useful according to our traditions and convictions. Our Model} {o Our proposal is intended that the RedGFU serve as a dynamic core, which brings together the communication and cooperation among peoples, regardless of their ethnic, economic, sexual or ideological, focusing the action on the being himself.
The RedGFU has daily activities, the dissemination of initiatives and projects that promote health and Integral Development of Human Beings. Our Organization as an international network, which includes numerous civilian cultural organizations, is presented as a forum and a space for reflection and cooperation of various cultural trends and ideas in Pro Quality of Life of Peoples.
Education is a basic proposal RedGFU because we believe that the lack of an education centered on human beings is the basis of many social problems. The lack of a comprehensive education produces the dogmatism and the intolerance born Divisions, including the struggles and wars.
Yamin School .-
Yamin School is part of the External System of the Supreme Educational Initiatic Order of Aquarius (SOA). It was founded on March 21, 1963, with the aim of theoretical studies and practical scientific and philosophical vivénciales to enable their students to understand the New Spiritual and Intellectual Culture that brings the Age of Aquarius, as well as promote human development and Transpersonal Iniciático .
In Yoga there are eight basic elements of human behavior that you want to raise your consciousness:
1 - YAMA: the abstinence
2 - Nayama: the rules of life
3 - Asanas: postures
4 - Pranayama : control of breathing.
5 - Pratyahar: control of functional sensory perceptions.
6 - Dharana: the Meditation
7 - Dhyana: the concentration
8 - Samadhi: the identification
A Yamin is a person who practice abstinence or YAMA everything that is harmful to the physical body, the Astral, the Mental and Spiritual
* NO * NO Alcohol
Cigarette Drug
* NO * NO * Café
lying, stealing, etc ..... ------------------------------
* Practice Yoga or Martial Arts.
* Being Vegetarian (do not eat animals of any kind).
* Search Realization ..
* Daily bathing with cold water.
Yamin School is part of the External System of the Supreme Educational Initiatic Order of Aquarius (SOA). It was founded on March 21, 1963, with the aim of theoretical studies and practical scientific and philosophical vivénciales to enable their students to understand the New Spiritual and Intellectual Culture that brings the Age of Aquarius, as well as promote human development and Transpersonal Iniciático .
In Yoga there are eight basic elements of human behavior that you want to raise your consciousness:
1 - YAMA: the abstinence
2 - Nayama: the rules of life
3 - Asanas: postures
4 - Pranayama : control of breathing.
5 - Pratyahar: control of functional sensory perceptions.
6 - Dharana: the Meditation
7 - Dhyana: the concentration
8 - Samadhi: the identification
A Yamin is a person who practice abstinence or YAMA everything that is harmful to the physical body, the Astral, the Mental and Spiritual
* NO * NO Alcohol
Cigarette Drug
* NO * NO * Café
lying, stealing, etc ..... ------------------------------
* Practice Yoga or Martial Arts.
* Being Vegetarian (do not eat animals of any kind).
* Search Realization ..
* Daily bathing with cold water.
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