Introduction .-
"can be useful, before approaching any consideration concerning the Yoga make a remark upon Asaz indispensable, because in this work is to examine a matter that applies to ontological self-realization in the same way that the management of the dialectic of the theoretical, of the flow of thought, and science itself. It is in the sense that I wish to well established that in writing this book, I have never had the claim of being a Siddha (1), since only a few years ago really practice Yoga. Indeed, the sadhaka (2) is not true but when has given full continuous ecstasy. The fact is judging whether or not this is the way forward. As for me, I have other concerns in fact, at the same time depriving me right to the title of Perfect Yogi, I leave, however, free to express my opinion in this regard. "
" A multitude of books have appeared on the subject. However, it is clear that a large Confucianism still prevails regarding the issue of Yoga both on exposure and the judge. The true Yogi never write about this, since the same state that he seeks (SANADHI) is the bliss above consciencial that supersedes all other thought, and thus placed the subject in complete inability to demonstrate to their contemporaries. "
" Indeed: There must understand that Yoshi does not aspire to anything other than to its improvement, or is interested in the least, for others. This, however, should not be grounds for calling it selfish, it is fair to say that, according to him, you can not really help their brothers, the humans, until he has achieved for itself the degree of wisdom that Yogi JYOTI calls (Lights). "
" Lost in a constant state of concentration (Dharana), how can worry about teaching others?
How can also feel the need to return to occupations "ordinary" or simply returning to the material plane to live "like everyone else? And if this happens in Dharana, how would not occur, a fortiori, the same, higher level in the state of realization? . . . It remains in the ekagrata (3) listening to the inner music, in perfect SATOSH (rapture, sublimation). "
" You must have the deepest sincere desire to help humanity to take a mission to educate (GURU). Nothing is more difficult than teaching, it being understood here as meaning INITIATIC spiritual teaching, ie not mainstream education university, but students START Sacred Science. The guru must face difficult tests, demonstration of capacidadantes to be recognized as such by the Yogis: evidence of intellectual knowledge, spiritual capacity tests, tests of perfect control and total body and thoughts. "
"can be useful, before approaching any consideration concerning the Yoga make a remark upon Asaz indispensable, because in this work is to examine a matter that applies to ontological self-realization in the same way that the management of the dialectic of the theoretical, of the flow of thought, and science itself. It is in the sense that I wish to well established that in writing this book, I have never had the claim of being a Siddha (1), since only a few years ago really practice Yoga. Indeed, the sadhaka (2) is not true but when has given full continuous ecstasy. The fact is judging whether or not this is the way forward. As for me, I have other concerns in fact, at the same time depriving me right to the title of Perfect Yogi, I leave, however, free to express my opinion in this regard. "
" A multitude of books have appeared on the subject. However, it is clear that a large Confucianism still prevails regarding the issue of Yoga both on exposure and the judge. The true Yogi never write about this, since the same state that he seeks (SANADHI) is the bliss above consciencial that supersedes all other thought, and thus placed the subject in complete inability to demonstrate to their contemporaries. "
" Indeed: There must understand that Yoshi does not aspire to anything other than to its improvement, or is interested in the least, for others. This, however, should not be grounds for calling it selfish, it is fair to say that, according to him, you can not really help their brothers, the humans, until he has achieved for itself the degree of wisdom that Yogi JYOTI calls (Lights). "
" Lost in a constant state of concentration (Dharana), how can worry about teaching others?
How can also feel the need to return to occupations "ordinary" or simply returning to the material plane to live "like everyone else? And if this happens in Dharana, how would not occur, a fortiori, the same, higher level in the state of realization? . . . It remains in the ekagrata (3) listening to the inner music, in perfect SATOSH (rapture, sublimation). "
" You must have the deepest sincere desire to help humanity to take a mission to educate (GURU). Nothing is more difficult than teaching, it being understood here as meaning INITIATIC spiritual teaching, ie not mainstream education university, but students START Sacred Science. The guru must face difficult tests, demonstration of capacidadantes to be recognized as such by the Yogis: evidence of intellectual knowledge, spiritual capacity tests, tests of perfect control and total body and thoughts. "
" As far as the Yoga is very difficult to write about any of their subjects accurately, for the simple reason that the translation into Western languages \u200b\u200baway all possibilities of true assimilation. In Sanskrit, the words have meaning can not be translated into other languages. When it comes to pouring into Tibetan, Chinese, Persian, or any Oriental language, you get to give the impression that meaning, but that use different terminology means, how much harder it is to translate the Sanskrit as our European languages resource-poor subtlety when it comes to addressing issues relating to the Spirit or God. It is, therefore, the meaning of Sanskrit terms, or sometimes the pali, where one should begin to make a translation "more or less" valid. This version, however, is still far from perfect, it does not address the issues of mechanism, process theology, etc. Also, can not rule out the impact of the great problem of preconceived idea, so dear to the West. "
" The Fakir (Arabic fakir, a beggar) is an oriental type of display conciste in the exercise of the will through demonstrations more or less true of mortification of the flesh, of "tricks" suggestive and spectacular acts yoda class, while the YOGHISMO (YOGA SOLAR) is a work of spiritual perfection and Yoga (Sanskrit YUG: union, connection, unification ) is a transcendental philosophy, ie a mode of existence faced by the solution of problems. "
" YOGA can be understood as a religion. But far from being a dogmatic doctrine as the many sects that divide the world, YOGHISMO has no temples or priests, or liturgy, or limitation. . . It would therefore be wrong to give a religious meaning to the usual road to liberation (moksha), because the YOGHISMO there is no worship to a particular or hypothetical promise of salvation based on a "paradise" " brown "," Heaven, "" Nirvana ", etc. . . All development work is done in order to destroy impurities (BAD), and removing the illusion (Maya) to achieve emancipation final (Mukti), which is achieved through the conquest of this state called Samadhi supraconsciencial (consciousness - divine). "
" Naturally all the words are foreign to our minds keep us from fully realizing the value of YOGHISMO. In, fact, is not only to understand the meaning of the word by using a translation, always relative, but above all fully empathize with the profound sense of its reason for being. I can not stop making an etymological explanation of each of the words of YOGHISMO and only limit myself to giving an equivalent "close" to the current terms of this philosophy that has always practiced mostly in the east, the cradle of our latest civilization. "
" Yoga means of identification, and, therefore, it is not a question of whether there is God or not. This question has never been discussed in YOGHISMO, because after all is to create a doubt discuss, and YOGA means UNION also is the perfect knowledge of things, is to proceed, it is necessary that all the senses concur , all-embracing, in the form, nature, etc. . . to be identified fully come to feel the object, extrinsic and intrinsic, as a continent and as content. . . "
" The Bhagavad-Gita (4) uses the word YOGA as a disciplinary means to help divine realization. Therefore, the Yoga can not be considered as a simple philosophical system. Patanjali, in fact, has not been sufficiently understood. This second-century Indian philosopher, was, as is most natural to offer a treaty (hence the eight parts of physical and mental exercises) and support a number of Sankhya (25 according to him). But this system of Patanjali is a summary only aphorisms. YOGA is alien to Brahmanism, its origin lies rather in the old feuds prearios indigenous as well as evidence found in the Mongolian Shamanism. "
" The YOGHISMO as glimpse what is the drive and therefore can not be contained in any antagonistic differentiation, as would for example the case of Purusha which initially broke the balance of Prakriti, thus creating the process of evolution. "
" The Fakir (Arabic fakir, a beggar) is an oriental type of display conciste in the exercise of the will through demonstrations more or less true of mortification of the flesh, of "tricks" suggestive and spectacular acts yoda class, while the YOGHISMO (YOGA SOLAR) is a work of spiritual perfection and Yoga (Sanskrit YUG: union, connection, unification ) is a transcendental philosophy, ie a mode of existence faced by the solution of problems. "
" YOGA can be understood as a religion. But far from being a dogmatic doctrine as the many sects that divide the world, YOGHISMO has no temples or priests, or liturgy, or limitation. . . It would therefore be wrong to give a religious meaning to the usual road to liberation (moksha), because the YOGHISMO there is no worship to a particular or hypothetical promise of salvation based on a "paradise" " brown "," Heaven, "" Nirvana ", etc. . . All development work is done in order to destroy impurities (BAD), and removing the illusion (Maya) to achieve emancipation final (Mukti), which is achieved through the conquest of this state called Samadhi supraconsciencial (consciousness - divine). "
" Naturally all the words are foreign to our minds keep us from fully realizing the value of YOGHISMO. In, fact, is not only to understand the meaning of the word by using a translation, always relative, but above all fully empathize with the profound sense of its reason for being. I can not stop making an etymological explanation of each of the words of YOGHISMO and only limit myself to giving an equivalent "close" to the current terms of this philosophy that has always practiced mostly in the east, the cradle of our latest civilization. "
" Yoga means of identification, and, therefore, it is not a question of whether there is God or not. This question has never been discussed in YOGHISMO, because after all is to create a doubt discuss, and YOGA means UNION also is the perfect knowledge of things, is to proceed, it is necessary that all the senses concur , all-embracing, in the form, nature, etc. . . to be identified fully come to feel the object, extrinsic and intrinsic, as a continent and as content. . . "
" The Bhagavad-Gita (4) uses the word YOGA as a disciplinary means to help divine realization. Therefore, the Yoga can not be considered as a simple philosophical system. Patanjali, in fact, has not been sufficiently understood. This second-century Indian philosopher, was, as is most natural to offer a treaty (hence the eight parts of physical and mental exercises) and support a number of Sankhya (25 according to him). But this system of Patanjali is a summary only aphorisms. YOGA is alien to Brahmanism, its origin lies rather in the old feuds prearios indigenous as well as evidence found in the Mongolian Shamanism. "
" The YOGHISMO as glimpse what is the drive and therefore can not be contained in any antagonistic differentiation, as would for example the case of Purusha which initially broke the balance of Prakriti, thus creating the process of evolution. "
__________ (1) Perfect Yogi: One who is totally devoted to the doctrine. Having perfected, the student will be separated from his Guru and lonely, live in Sadhana (spiritual practices) .-
(2) Applicant: One who understands the practice of yoga (asanas, meditation, concentration, purification, etc). This is the Chellah
is say, a disciple, until the day he becomes a Siddha.
(3) ekagrata: You mean, concentration. Literally thought would be the isolation of a single point; unification of spirit in one direction. Usually this state of ecstasy is obtained by closing the eyes and directing inwardly towards the BHRIKUTE (eyebrows) and remained in position (asana) required for this purpose.
(4) "Hymns of the Divine" (song to God). Is the Bible of the Hindus made popular in the seventh century BC or perhaps earlier. The "Song Celestial" as it is called, is a dialogue between Khrishna and his disciple Arjuna.
This poem is taken from the Mahabharata (back to the Upanishads). It consists of 18 chapters, each of which constitutes a way of liberalization and may be considered as key
initiatic .-
Information from the book: YUG-YOGA-YOGHISMO
by Mahatma Chandra Bala Dr. Serge Raynauld Of Ferriere
pages 16 through 25. Editorial
menorah, Bogotá, Colombia
January 18, 1961 .-
Analysis .-
"YOGA, product development of the Hindu tradition, has been attributed to Patanjali, like the Sankhya of Kapila, the Vaisheshika to Kananda, etc. . . (5). "
" It assumes that at present the Western philosophers and religious people of Europe are sufficiently educated to understand the interest and the importance of studying the Hindu religion. The Sanatana-Dharma (Eternal Truth), a name, a more correct, the doctrine of the Brahmins, is much more complete than the worship performed in temples, the scope of the observation of some travelers in tourist visits to India. . "
" The Vaisheshika, whose development has been attributed to Kananda is constructed of objective knowledge of things, ie distinctly seen in his life, separated from each other (descriptively). This system examines the Great Cause, by the analysis as they did the Greeks, that is, describing the elements involved, as shown in the cosmology of the XIV and XV. . .
__________ (5) The true origin of Yoga is lost in time. Patanjali was only the first compiler
rules established practical methods for the general public, and nothing else.
"YOGA, product development of the Hindu tradition, has been attributed to Patanjali, like the Sankhya of Kapila, the Vaisheshika to Kananda, etc. . . (5). "
" It assumes that at present the Western philosophers and religious people of Europe are sufficiently educated to understand the interest and the importance of studying the Hindu religion. The Sanatana-Dharma (Eternal Truth), a name, a more correct, the doctrine of the Brahmins, is much more complete than the worship performed in temples, the scope of the observation of some travelers in tourist visits to India. . "
" The Vaisheshika, whose development has been attributed to Kananda is constructed of objective knowledge of things, ie distinctly seen in his life, separated from each other (descriptively). This system examines the Great Cause, by the analysis as they did the Greeks, that is, describing the elements involved, as shown in the cosmology of the XIV and XV. . .
__________ (5) The true origin of Yoga is lost in time. Patanjali was only the first compiler
rules established practical methods for the general public, and nothing else.
"existence, called bhava, is divided into six parts are:
1 - Dravya: the substance, in the scholastic sense. It manifests itself, first by the five Bhutas, elements of corporeal things: Prithri (land),), Ap (water), Tejas (fire), Go (air), Arash (ether) , and secondly, through the two fundamental conditions of bodily existence: Kala, time, representing Shiva in the sensible world, and Dish, space, symbol of Vishnu in the same world of sense.
2 - GUNA: the essence of Prakriti, which determines things in their way of life.
3 - KARMA, which is characterized by constant change, is the action, which is manifest the law of cause and effect.
4 - sāmānya: these are the qualities collectively constitute overlapping genres.
5 - Vishesh: what belongs, like himself, a well-defined substance, by relation to another (relationship).
6 - samavayo: the relationship of substance with its attributes. "
"existence, called bhava, is divided into six parts are:
1 - Dravya: the substance, in the scholastic sense. It manifests itself, first by the five Bhutas, elements of corporeal things: Prithri (land),), Ap (water), Tejas (fire), Go (air), Arash (ether) , and secondly, through the two fundamental conditions of bodily existence: Kala, time, representing Shiva in the sensible world, and Dish, space, symbol of Vishnu in the same world of sense.
2 - GUNA: the essence of Prakriti, which determines things in their way of life.
3 - KARMA, which is characterized by constant change, is the action, which is manifest the law of cause and effect.
4 - sāmānya: these are the qualities collectively constitute overlapping genres.
5 - Vishesh: what belongs, like himself, a well-defined substance, by relation to another (relationship).
6 - samavayo: the relationship of substance with its attributes. "
" is sometimes added seventh PADARTHA to mean the opposite of bhava (existence), ie abhavan (non-existence), which is to some extent the deprivation in the Aristotelian sense. "
" Kapil, who is credited with developing the Sankhya doctrine, especially taking into consideration the nature, meaning Universal Manifestation, the reality, would be obtained from its setting and would originate from the beginning synthetically determined. "
" According to this doctrine (the Sankhya) the Self is manifested in varying degrees (Twenty-five). Patanjali, however, as we have seen, adds a supreme personality (Ishwar) as part of individual development. The Sankhya, however, is NIRISHWARA, ie speak or make divine personality. In summary, the Sankhya doctrine, states in Nature 25 tattwas no concept of Ishwar (the supreme personality), contrary to the doctrine taught by the philosopher Patanjali. (What it does see that he expounded a doctrine of absolute YOGA, but a personal and partial method). "
" From this theory we can draw the following considerations. There are two poles of Universal Self Expression: Prakriti-Purusha.
Tattwa The first (principle) is therefore Prakriti. (The Universal Substance unmanifested and undifferentiated. It is the root of the event). Three Gunas born of Prakriti, which are elements in perfect balance with undifferentiated origin. The breaking of this balance produces general symptoms and changes of substances. These three Gunas are in the constitution of beings, but in different degrees of proportion:
" Kapil, who is credited with developing the Sankhya doctrine, especially taking into consideration the nature, meaning Universal Manifestation, the reality, would be obtained from its setting and would originate from the beginning synthetically determined. "
" According to this doctrine (the Sankhya) the Self is manifested in varying degrees (Twenty-five). Patanjali, however, as we have seen, adds a supreme personality (Ishwar) as part of individual development. The Sankhya, however, is NIRISHWARA, ie speak or make divine personality. In summary, the Sankhya doctrine, states in Nature 25 tattwas no concept of Ishwar (the supreme personality), contrary to the doctrine taught by the philosopher Patanjali. (What it does see that he expounded a doctrine of absolute YOGA, but a personal and partial method). "
" From this theory we can draw the following considerations. There are two poles of Universal Self Expression: Prakriti-Purusha.
Tattwa The first (principle) is therefore Prakriti. (The Universal Substance unmanifested and undifferentiated. It is the root of the event). Three Gunas born of Prakriti, which are elements in perfect balance with undifferentiated origin. The breaking of this balance produces general symptoms and changes of substances. These three Gunas are in the constitution of beings, but in different degrees of proportion:
Sattwa = is the very essence and forms the SER, identified in the light and knowledge. (The Food Sáttwico, consisting of fruits, vegetables and milk, gives an upward trend and perfects the SER). Rajas
= is the expansionary impulse by which the SER is developed within the same plane, to a certain level. (The Food Rajasic, consisting of onions, spices, condiments, vinegar, spicy, gives limited qualities to BE, preventing him from advancing beyond the limits of a mental level means).
Tamas = darkness is equated with ignorance. (The Food Tamasic, made up of meat, liquor, beer, etc..., Produces the downward trend of personality).
Second Buddhi-Tattva is Maha (Great Principle). This is pure intellect here, transcendent state in relation to individuals. This degree is an intermediate stage between the universal (first Tattva) and individual (starting from the third Tattva). Third Tattwa
is Ahankara, individual consciousness.
From 4 th to 8 th Tattwa are five Tanmatras (elemental determinations incorporeal). It is precisely here that the five BHUTAN born (see the 20 to 24 tattwa).
= is the expansionary impulse by which the SER is developed within the same plane, to a certain level. (The Food Rajasic, consisting of onions, spices, condiments, vinegar, spicy, gives limited qualities to BE, preventing him from advancing beyond the limits of a mental level means).
Tamas = darkness is equated with ignorance. (The Food Tamasic, made up of meat, liquor, beer, etc..., Produces the downward trend of personality).
Second Buddhi-Tattva is Maha (Great Principle). This is pure intellect here, transcendent state in relation to individuals. This degree is an intermediate stage between the universal (first Tattva) and individual (starting from the third Tattva). Third Tattwa
is Ahankara, individual consciousness.
From 4 th to 8 th Tattwa are five Tanmatras (elemental determinations incorporeal). It is precisely here that the five BHUTAN born (see the 20 to 24 tattwa).
from 8 º to 19 º Tattva, incorporates the eleven individual faculties. These functions of consciousness can be defined as follows: Ten
External: there are five faculties of the senses in the physical world and the five powers of action, consequential and correlated with these feelings. Internal
A: which is the faculty, simultaneously, knowledge and action, why is direct and deep connection with individuality.
from 20 º to 24 º Tattva, are the tangible elements (Bhutan), five in number: ether, air, fire, water and land.
External: there are five faculties of the senses in the physical world and the five powers of action, consequential and correlated with these feelings. Internal
A: which is the faculty, simultaneously, knowledge and action, why is direct and deep connection with individuality.
from 20 º to 24 º Tattva, are the tangible elements (Bhutan), five in number: ether, air, fire, water and land.
Here ends the enumeration of the individual qualities of the first pole and the Exhibition and the 25 º Tattva, we have the second pole is Purusha.
Purusha is the Essence-Principle corollary of Prakriti, which is manifested pole base balance disturbance as we have seen. "
" There is no mention of Ishwar here because it would complicate things, especially when the acceptance of these elements that are True Tattva is an issue in itself already very difficult. "
Purusha is the Essence-Principle corollary of Prakriti, which is manifested pole base balance disturbance as we have seen. "
" There is no mention of Ishwar here because it would complicate things, especially when the acceptance of these elements that are True Tattva is an issue in itself already very difficult. "
" These various hierarchical levels of the Hindu tradition must correspond in all points, the degrees of evolution of any doctrines or principles. It would be premature to discuss matters of detail to study these proportions of Balance. "
" These basic principles we see seven major divisions: 1 º Tattva, the 2 nd Tattwa; the 3 rd Tattwa, from 4 th to 8 th Tattwa; from 9 º to 19 º Tattwa, from 20 º to 24 º Tattwa and 25 º Tattwa form, as seven categories, which correspond to the seven states of matter according to the theosophical theory, the seven primary colors, the seven tones of musical scale, seven planets of the astrological tradition, etc. . . In the same way as the Universal Great Brotherhood has split its seven degrees INITIATIVE disciplinary body for the seven Chakras (plexuses most important) emanating from the seven central role endocrine glands, likewise some esoteric movements have kept this tradition the Perfect Harmony. "
" These basic principles we see seven major divisions: 1 º Tattva, the 2 nd Tattwa; the 3 rd Tattwa, from 4 th to 8 th Tattwa; from 9 º to 19 º Tattwa, from 20 º to 24 º Tattwa and 25 º Tattwa form, as seven categories, which correspond to the seven states of matter according to the theosophical theory, the seven primary colors, the seven tones of musical scale, seven planets of the astrological tradition, etc. . . In the same way as the Universal Great Brotherhood has split its seven degrees INITIATIVE disciplinary body for the seven Chakras (plexuses most important) emanating from the seven central role endocrine glands, likewise some esoteric movements have kept this tradition the Perfect Harmony. "
" There is a new Yoga, and all is said and played in his studio. Only the methods have been different, at the request of many researchers in that domain, I felt drawn to give my point of view on the matter. Considered as YOGHISMO is conducive to study, because it means "union", or requires explanation, and sorry for those who have not understood! It is precisely for compassion for those who have not understood that I shall follow the explanation of the UNION, the ISM YOGA: YOGHISMO. "
" YOGA, according to traditional education, provides objective is the realization of the Union of the individual self with the universal, and contains the means to achieve it. "
" But in the case of yoga, this is more accurate, which takes its value my term: YOGHISMO, the thing is different because there is no doctrinal requirement: the student acts under the guidance of a teacher (Guru) in order to prevent physical injury (concerning the Hatha-Yoga), or spiritual injury (in the Bhakti-Yoga), or loss intellectuals (in the Jnana-Yoga), or a waste of time (for similar to the Raja-Yoga), but never a matter of punishment as opposed to no reward. The Adept Yogi is an element that works in its own development, beginning with concrete bases and known targets, following a tradition to draw the lessons from the Old and under the guidance of a teacher, because every student needs a teacher. "
"He has no subdivisions YOGHISMO offer a nice mix of confectionery small spiritual: the YOGHISMO is one and all, is a synthesis, not a bound bumps Unpacking tagged with labels like "for gentlemen with curious news. "
" The YOGHISMO excludes nothing: they are different experiences that lead students to the various statements required for final enlightenment: the different Yogas are essential but there is no reason to separate them rather than presenting them as a evolution program. "
" YOGA, according to traditional education, provides objective is the realization of the Union of the individual self with the universal, and contains the means to achieve it. "
" But in the case of yoga, this is more accurate, which takes its value my term: YOGHISMO, the thing is different because there is no doctrinal requirement: the student acts under the guidance of a teacher (Guru) in order to prevent physical injury (concerning the Hatha-Yoga), or spiritual injury (in the Bhakti-Yoga), or loss intellectuals (in the Jnana-Yoga), or a waste of time (for similar to the Raja-Yoga), but never a matter of punishment as opposed to no reward. The Adept Yogi is an element that works in its own development, beginning with concrete bases and known targets, following a tradition to draw the lessons from the Old and under the guidance of a teacher, because every student needs a teacher. "
"He has no subdivisions YOGHISMO offer a nice mix of confectionery small spiritual: the YOGHISMO is one and all, is a synthesis, not a bound bumps Unpacking tagged with labels like "for gentlemen with curious news. "
" The YOGHISMO excludes nothing: they are different experiences that lead students to the various statements required for final enlightenment: the different Yogas are essential but there is no reason to separate them rather than presenting them as a evolution program. "
" the yogi is one who has fully realized, is in the true sense, who This definitely lights because it would otherwise be a student, Chellah, a Sadhak. The Siddhis (powers) can be acquired very early in the progression through the Hatha-Yoga, these forces sometimes culminate in vibbutis (divine glory) and the Yogi manages to be a SIDDHA, but never calls itself because the "Perfect "knows that there is always something to do."
"There are eight rules to respect in any of the Yogas, are indispensable foundations of discipline and the laws that govern a universe. Also a human being to live to eat, sleep, breathe, he can control his actions, space their functions, but there can not be met normally but following these rules or precepts. "
" So, in YOGA are eight basic elements in the behavior of human beings want to rise above animal status:
YAMA = the Abstinence,
Nayama = Rules of Life,
ASANAS = Positions of body (postures), Pranayama
= Control of Breathing,
Pratyahar = Control Organic sensory perceptions,
Dharana = Meditation,
DHYANA = Concentration,
SAMADHI = Identification. "
" Western science, which begins just to discover what is often called as Psychology, he will also realize that thousands of years YOGA proclaimed the same subject. Scientific discoveries are for Yogis theories known from the earliest times. Experience. . .
"The history of humanity is an eternal repetition, as the spiritual evolution takes its course in the same way in each individual. Experience. . . "
" The Chellah receiving instruction from his Guru like this before he had received from him, as the initiatory tradition is passed from master to disciple. Experience. . . "
" Yoga is a life line, an experience system that allows a realization Truth fastest in his momentous event. "
" The most important of Yoga is to overcome the desires, habits. "
" The whole system of Yoga is based on the concentration of energy towards an improvement. YOGA is not a form of psychology, or philosophy or a religion, can in fact be classified as a Life Science, an improved system of existence to Wisdom. "
__________ Information from the book: YUG-YOGA-YOGHISMO
by Mahatma Chandra Bala Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere.
pages 27 to 81
Editorial menorah Bogotá, Colombia
January 18, 1961
"There are eight rules to respect in any of the Yogas, are indispensable foundations of discipline and the laws that govern a universe. Also a human being to live to eat, sleep, breathe, he can control his actions, space their functions, but there can not be met normally but following these rules or precepts. "
" So, in YOGA are eight basic elements in the behavior of human beings want to rise above animal status:
YAMA = the Abstinence,
Nayama = Rules of Life,
ASANAS = Positions of body (postures), Pranayama
= Control of Breathing,
Pratyahar = Control Organic sensory perceptions,
Dharana = Meditation,
DHYANA = Concentration,
SAMADHI = Identification. "
" Western science, which begins just to discover what is often called as Psychology, he will also realize that thousands of years YOGA proclaimed the same subject. Scientific discoveries are for Yogis theories known from the earliest times. Experience. . .
"The history of humanity is an eternal repetition, as the spiritual evolution takes its course in the same way in each individual. Experience. . . "
" The Chellah receiving instruction from his Guru like this before he had received from him, as the initiatory tradition is passed from master to disciple. Experience. . . "
" Yoga is a life line, an experience system that allows a realization Truth fastest in his momentous event. "
" The most important of Yoga is to overcome the desires, habits. "
" The whole system of Yoga is based on the concentration of energy towards an improvement. YOGA is not a form of psychology, or philosophy or a religion, can in fact be classified as a Life Science, an improved system of existence to Wisdom. "
__________ Information from the book: YUG-YOGA-YOGHISMO
by Mahatma Chandra Bala Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere.
pages 27 to 81
Editorial menorah Bogotá, Colombia
January 18, 1961
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