Traditional Acupuncture China.
The origin of Chinese medicine dates back to 2953 BC where Fu Hi (founder of civilization) and identify plants that cured or maintained health.
The origin of Chinese medicine dates back to 2953 BC where Fu Hi (founder of civilization) and identify plants that cured or maintained health.
The first medical treatise belongs to an acupuncturist distinguished: Hoang-ti, also called The Yellow Emperor (2698-2598 BC).
It was not until well into the story when Chinese and Europeans forged.
It was not until well into the story when Chinese and Europeans forged.
In China, the ancients knew more than silk (Marco Polo S. XIII) and for its part the Chinese were not aware of the existence of the West (country of the foreign devils ") to S. XVI.
Westerners ignored by both the existence of Chinese medicine until the seventeenth century, a period in which the first missionaries (Jesuit scientific mission) were sent to Beijing by Louis XIV. They were amazed and gave knowledge to their fellow Europeans of their findings. And it was they who forged the word exactly acupuncture (acupuncture Latin: acus, needle puncture, sting).
The first European treaty of acupuncture dates back to 1671 and was written by RPHarvey.
Chinese medicine is part of a whole: Chinese philosophy.
All traditional Chinese medicine, free on the broad outlines of his conception of all foreign influence (which is one of its features), rests on an application of physiological principles. These principles are based on knowledge of human nature, observation of human behavior.
This theoretical framework depends on the human influences on three aspects: physical environment, social environment (stresses that distort the natural emotions) and nutrition. So we have:
- diseases of external origin: colds, musculoskeletal problems ....
- problems of poor nutrition, diet therapy is a branch of Chinese medicine
- pathology derived from social factors: relationship with others and with oneself.
How do man?
- diseases of external origin: colds, musculoskeletal problems ....
- problems of poor nutrition, diet therapy is a branch of Chinese medicine
- pathology derived from social factors: relationship with others and with oneself.
How do man?
Pathophysiology .-
Pathophysiology .-
In Chinese medicine speaks of qi or vital energy that pervades the universe, and therefore also the human body. Is what differentiates a person living in a dead, coordinates the mental and physical.
Qi circulates throughout the body through channels, which communicate with the organs internally and externally to the body surface, where they are distributed All acupuncture points are 361. These points are specific sites where the Qi of the channels and organs is transported to the surface of the body.
When the body is afflicted with a disease can be treated the same by inserting the needle into the corresponding points are on the body surface, to thereby regulate the Qi of the channels.
The imbalance in the flow of Qi can be caused by over-activity or a deficiency:
- A stomach hyperperistalsis hypersecretion or a heart or tachycardia. This excess energy can climb to the head causing a amigraña, or down to the small causing diarrhea.
- An underactive kidney polyuria causing the need to replenish fluids to recover lost energy.
- A stomach hyperperistalsis hypersecretion or a heart or tachycardia. This excess energy can climb to the head causing a amigraña, or down to the small causing diarrhea.
- An underactive kidney polyuria causing the need to replenish fluids to recover lost energy.
This I do not see in normal scans is due to the non-circulation of Qi. If this situation persists the individual will not recover and physical disorders. We
conventional diagnosis another from the perspective of Chinese medicine. Diagnosis is already used 3000 years ago and for which we need no proof; only use the senses.
- View: look at the patient, we see walking and talking. The study of the tongue (color, texture, shape ...) equivalent to the x-ray.
- Ear: listening carefully to his voice trembling, higher or lower. We provide guidance on prognosis.
- Smell: sweating, vomiting, bowel movements and secretions in general. Obsolete today.
- Touch: palpation of the painful area. There is a system which is the tracks.
- eg in sciatica is important to locate the most painful.
- Abdomen
- Temperature of extremities
- Pulse: radial above, but also temporal and carotidio.
The more or less significant derangement of the rhythmic pulsations of the body, reflects the imbalance in the energy circulating. The China pulsología practiced by all acupuncturists and inseparable until now the method of needles, is more recent than this (300 AD).
identified 28 different types of pulse. Examples:
* Tense: as a guitar string * Soft: It seems that sinks to the press * Vacuum: Touching the artery but as if there was nothing inside. * Sliding: It seems that the artery beyond the attempt to touch
* Irregular.
also asked about the symptom, time of evolution, characteristics, when it improves and when it gets worse, on the physiological habits: food, depositional, sleepiness, sweating. And family medical history also. But it is not necessary to make a detailed medical history.
To diagnose this syndrome or talk about imbalances of Qi. These are based on the theory of Yin and Yang Tao base (single law governing all Chinese philosophy).
Yin. absence of clarity, moon. cold. moisture. death. femininity, passivity. matte, soft, vacuum
The Yin is right and is white. His number is 2 and the other numbers are pairs Yin.
The Yin is right and is white. His number is 2 and the other numbers are pairs Yin.
Yang is on the left and is black. The corresponding number is 1 and the other odd numbers are yang.
organs and tissues of the body could belong to Yin or Yang depending on their position and their related functions. Taking the body as a whole, the body surface and limbs to be on the outside belong to Yang, while the organs (internal organs) belong to Yin.
relationship interdependence between Yin and Yang means that each of the two aspects is a condition for the existence of the other and neither can exist in isolation.
There are 14 channels on the surface of the human body that have an own unique path. These channels have a total of 361 points, some of which may have specific functions and others are more general. There
tone power points, points of sedative or relaxing spots "broad spectrum" are more appropriate for the first session.
tone power points, points of sedative or relaxing spots "broad spectrum" are more appropriate for the first session.
The art is to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum number needle.
does not follow an established protocol for each patient but will give you a personalized treatment.
Instrumental .-
Instrumental .-
The needles used today are stainless steel, but can be used in silver or brass plated.
are of a thickness "of a hair", as described original china. By its length: * Length: 7.5 cm * median: 7.5 cm * 5-short: 2'5-5 cm * very short: 2.5 cm.
All needles are round section, highly polished, to avoid tearing the extract, and the tip is of two types: thin, sharp punctures ara short but very deep and sharp for superficial punctures.
The needle should be taken between the thumb and the index at its middle, and nailed with a sudden movement to penetrate the skin, then print a rotational movement to facilitate the penetration and prevents curling in some internal structure.
Ancient Chinese practitioners with long fingernails pinching the skin, to avoid the pain of the penetration of the needle tip.
The needle can be inserted perpendicular or obliquely as the place of introduction, that is, the acupuncture point to puncture, and this direction as specifically listed in each of the cases detailed in the description of the channels or meridians in the body.
Indications .-
The needle can be inserted perpendicular or obliquely as the place of introduction, that is, the acupuncture point to puncture, and this direction as specifically listed in each of the cases detailed in the description of the channels or meridians in the body.
Indications .-
- functional pathology
psychosomatic disorders - Stress. Acupuncture is very effective at this level, but if you keep the same lifestyle, the symptoms reappear.
- acute or chronic pain. In some cases the pain may worsen, which is very rare. Apart from this there is no risk.
- ORL: dizziness, sinusitis, allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis, recurrent tonsillitis (as a complement to antibiotic treatment
and in some cases as monotherapy).
- Degenerative
- Degenerative
- Recovery of paralysis, even stroke. His treatment is very heavy because it requires very straight sessions.
- With regard to smoking and weight loss, acupuncture helps relieve anxiety.
Contraindications .-
1. No innovation: just punctured in places known and experienced old.
2. Do not puncture on a swelling. The Chinese did not know the principles of infection or external aggression, but had experimented with negative results.
3. Do not puncture the soft spots of children
4. During pregnancy, no punching below the navel for any reason. These features result in abortion and are only used in cases specialize.
5. After the third month of pregnancy, no punctures practice anywhere in the womb, even above the navel.
6. Do not puncture the patient exhausted by a long walk, tired of hard work or the end of bathing in hot water.
6. Do not puncture the patient exhausted by a long walk, tired of hard work or the end of bathing in hot water.
7. Drunkenness, anger and intoxication are very dangerous puncture, however, can be done in case of emergency (imminent death).
8. In general, do not pierce the heart, although the nearby places, even during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 9. Do not puncture on the left subcostal area immediately after a meal.
Results .-
Results .-
80-90% improvement: 50% major improvement.
cut 30% improvement.
10-20% of curability.
Chinese Medicine in the modern world .-
Chinese Medicine in the modern world .-
Its spread is much greater in the rest of Europe in Spain. In countries that made up the former Soviet Union acupuncture is taught in the Faculty of Medicine. But despite the success to date (in France is practiced even in some hospitals), not studied systematically in schools because there is some physiological basis for this specialty, and medical science is not limited to a therapeutic observation, but requires physiological controls that can be measured.
References .-
China Acupuncture: Ali-Yau.
Acupuncture: Georges Beau.
Vegetarianism .-
Vegetarianism: A Path to a higher purpose .-
For reasons ranging from health and economics to ethics and religion, millions of people around the world have decided to change their diet to a vegetarian diet.
The word vegetarian, comes from the Latin word "vegetus" meaning: full, healthy, fresh and lively.
The original meaning of the word implies a balanced philosophical and moral sense of life that goes beyond a simple diet of vegetables and fruits.
examine some of the advantages of being vegetarian.
Health and meatless diets .-
The human body Is made to follow a vegetarian diet is better suited to eating meat?
To find the answer, we must take into account two factors: the anatomical structure of the human body and the physical effects of meat consumption.
The man's teeth, like those of all beings herbivores are suitable for grinding and chewing vegetable matter, the man lacks sharp teeth that characterize carnivores that serve to grasp and tear the meat.
Once in the stomach, the meat needed for their digestion, a secretion of gastric juices with a high content of hydrochloric acid. The stomach of men and herbivores produce acid diluted twenty times more than those generated by the carnivores.
Another fundamental difference between the carnivore and vegetarian occurs in the intestinal tract, takes place the last stage of digestion, which allows the passage of nutrients into the blood. A steak is nothing other than a corpse, whose putrefaction creates poisonous wastes within the body, and that, therefore, must be eliminated quickly.
The intestinal tract of carnivores is only three times the length of the body, which facilitates the removal shortly meat, however, the intestinal tract of man and other beings are not carnivores about twelve times the length of body. In these long channels, the meat stays much longer and decomposes rapidly, giving rise to a myriad of toxic effects dangerous to health.
Among the organs damaged by these toxins include the kidneys, whose function is vital to the elimination of waste products from the blood, and that meat consumption is overloaded poisonous compounds, which over time dramatically increases the risk of disorders and diseases of renal order.
Heart disease is another illness associated with consumption of meat, and in 1961, the journal of the American Medical Association confirmed that 97% of heart disease can be prevented by a vegetarian diet.
Research done in the past twenty years insisted a clear link between meat consumption and cancers colon, rectum, breast and uterus, is a known fact that meat in their digestive process, produce cancer-causing metabolic steroids.
These cancers are rarely found in those who consume little meat or swim, as the Japanese and the Indians, but very common among people who consume it.
A meat are usually added numerous potentially harmful chemicals, use of which consumers do not usually have the least information. In the book Poison in Your Body, Gary and Steven Null give an overview of the latest techniques followed in industrial breeding farms: "Animals are kept alive and fattened them with a continuous supply of tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics and an estimated quantity of 2,700 chemicals, this treatment begins before birth and the animals, and continues even after they are dead, although these chemicals are still present in the meat when you eat it, the law does not require specifying the consumer. "
Apart from imminent danger to man, the unnecessary suffering caused to the animals, I think all of us this very present the case of mad cow disease in Britain.
Very often, the word "vegetarian" makes us wonder what proteins? The vegetarian might respond by saying: what about the bull, the elephant or the rhino?. The conviction that the meat has a monopoly of the proteins, and that to be healthy and strong is necessary high protein, no more than topical. Digestion, the majority of proteins are transformed into amino acids the body uses for growth and tissue regeneration. Of the twenty amino acids necessary, all but eight can develop one's own body; The other eight amino acids "essential" are abundant in non-meat foods such as dairy products, cereals, legumes and nuts that are true protein concentrates.
Many studies have confirmed that energy intake of a vegetarian diet is higher than that of meat-based diets.
Finally in this section to mention that there are three types of vegetarian, which takes only integral vegetables, ovo-vegetarian who abstains from meat and fish, but take egg lacto-vegetarian plant also thrives on dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt etc., has been shown that the latter is the most balanced and practiced in the world.
unknown price of meat .-
fed meat a few at the expense of many. Due to the production of meat, lots of grains, which could be intended for human consumption, is intended for livestock.
According to the Department of Agriculture of the United States, has shown that for every 16 kilos of grain given to livestock, only get 1 kilo of meat.
and environmental degradation is another price we pay for eating meat, drains and drainage systems of the thousands of slaughterhouses and factory farms in the country is the largest source of pollution of rivers and streams.
now examine the basket ... A study in some supermarkets in different cities English, showed that a kilo of steak cost 1,700 pesetas, while the average price of the ingredients needed to cook a delicious vegetarian food, did not exceed the $ 350 per kilo. This means that he is a vegetarian can save thousands of pesetas a year, hundreds of thousands over your life. If consumers in rich countries do vegetarians, the annual savings would reach astronomical figures and could help eradicate poverty in poorer countries.
ethical values \u200b\u200b
.- When becoming a vegetarian, ethical reasons are considered by many as the most important. Ethical vegetarianism began to learn that other creatures feel and that their feelings are similar to ours.
The truth of the slaughter of animals is not pleasant, industrial slaughterhouses seem visions of hell. Bellowing animals who are silent hub beating, electric shocks, or air guns.
then hangs on feet, and still life are short neck and crack his heart bleeding them until they die. I still remember with horror my little visit to the municipal slaughterhouse. Many adopt vegetarianism, without hesitation, if you visited a slaughterhouse, or if they themselves had to kill the animals they eat. Such visits should be mandatory for all consumers of meat.
also have the millions of animals who die in bullfights, research laboratories, slaughtered for their skins and hunted for "sport." Can we deny that such cruelty is brutalizing us?
Vegetarianism and religion .-
Almost all religions and their scriptures forbid the man who unnecessarily dull, as in our city (Ceuta) we have four different religious communities would like to highlight the commonalities as to abstain from meat.
While the Old Testament, which is the foundation of Judaism, makes some references to the consumption of meat, clarified that the ideal situation is vegetarianism. In Genesis (1.29), God says: "Behold I have given you every herb seed, and all the trees that populate the earth with its fruit, which contains the seed of any tree, to serve you food ".
While the Old Testament, which is the foundation of Judaism, makes some references to the consumption of meat, clarified that the ideal situation is vegetarianism. In Genesis (1.29), God says: "Behold I have given you every herb seed, and all the trees that populate the earth with its fruit, which contains the seed of any tree, to serve you food ".
In the later books of the Bible, the prophets condemn the consumption of meat. Isaiah (1.5) states: "The Lord said: I have sacrificed large numbers of sheep and oxen, but I am not pleased by blood of cows, sheep and goats, when they lift up their hands. I looked away you, and when you pray you do not listen, because your hands are stained with blood. "
Many Christians are misled by some passages in the New Testament says that Jesus ate meat. But detailed studies of ancient Greek manuscripts has revealed that the words translated as "meat" only means "food" or "act of eating" at large. In the New Testament does not say at any time that Jesus would have eaten meat. This coincides with the famous prophecy of Isaiah about advent of Jesus: "A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name Emmanuel, eat butter and honey, because you know reject evil and choose good. "
In the book" So said Muhammad "by Dr. Mohamed Hafiz Syed, the disciples of the Prophet Muhammad was asked:" In truth, there rewards for doing good to quadrupeds and giving them water to drink? "Muhammad replied:" There are rewards for benefiting every animal "Muhammad also spoke this about the holy place of Mecca," no one should abuse another No one should kill an animal, not even cut a tree must be allowed in Mecca. "
The Vedic scriptures of India, dating back to times before the religions mentioned above underscore the importance of non-violence as the ethical foundation of vegetarianism. The Manu-samhita, ancient Hindu code of law states: "For meat, it is always necessary to injure a living being, which is a serious impediment to achieving the bliss of heaven, therefore, must abstain from eating meat ".
In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna himself says: "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water I will accept it." One of the largest eachers of Vedic culture and philosophy of our times is His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada concludes with the concept of "unity of all creation" says: "We are all God's creatures, regardless of the body in which we live, the suit that we visited. God is the supreme father of all. A parent can have many children, some intelligent and some not, but if an intelligent son tells the father: "My brother is not very smart, I'll kill you", do you think the father will agree? Similarly, if God is our supreme father why he would consent to kill the animals, which are also his children? ".
Karma .-
The Sanskrit word karma means "action" or, more specifically, any material action that causes a reaction which bind us to the material world.
The Sanskrit word karma means "action" or, more specifically, any material action that causes a reaction which bind us to the material world.
According to the law of karma, if we cause pain and suffering to other living beings, we must accept, in return, pain and suffering, both individually and collectively. This means that we reap what we sow, in this life and in the next, for nature runs his own justice.
Those who understand the laws of karma, know that peace will not come or marches or petitions, but will be the result of campaigns to educate people about the consequences of killing animals innocent.
Another question often raised is how bad it is not also kill the plants? You can respond, the fruit, milk, nuts and grains, ie vegetarian foods are obtained without killing. But even in cases where it takes the life of plants, the suffering it causes is much lower than killing an animal as the nervous system of plants is much less developed. It is clear that there is a big difference between starting a carrot from the earth and kill a sheep. However, also kill plants have to suffer karmic reactions.
The Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita "The devotees are freed from sin because they eat foods that have first been offered in sacrifice, others that eat only for their own enjoyment, verily eat only sin. "
Srila Prabhupada talks about the principle of spiritual vegetarianism: "Human beings, whom the Lord has given cereals, vegetables, fruit and milk, have a duty to acknowledge the mercy the Lord. As a sign of gratitude, should feel indebted to him for the food they receive and offer it to him before, then the remaining share. "
With this holy meal, which receives the Sanskrit name of "prasadam" human beings are protected from karmic reactions, and progress spiritually.
Beyond Vegetarianism .-
addition to hygienic considerations, psychological, economic, ethical and karma, vegetarianism has a higher dimension, spiritual, that can help us awaken our perception and natural love by God.
Of course, to become a vegetarian need not give up the kitchen raditionally to which one is used in English cuisine, Arabic, Chinese, Italian etc. There are plenty of vegetarian dishes and others which can be adapted, do not cook as Vedic India which is completely vegetarian, will our delight and enhance our quality of life.
To Advanced Yoga practitioners and practitioners of Shaolin Chuan Shen, vegetarianism is a matter of conscience and is NOT to eat animals of any kind (either vertebrate or invertebrate).
To Advanced Yoga practitioners and practitioners of Shaolin Chuan Shen, vegetarianism is a matter of conscience and is NOT to eat animals of any kind (either vertebrate or invertebrate).
Some famous vegetarians .-
you and us.
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