1. Tadasana:
Sitting, legs and feet are parallel, whereas the thighs and legs are angled 90 degrees. The hands rest on the thighs and abdominal muscles are activated. It stretches the back and neck aligned. The shoulders, neck and face relaxed free breathing.
Sitting, legs and feet are parallel, whereas the thighs and legs are angled 90 degrees. The hands rest on the thighs and abdominal muscles are activated. It stretches the back and neck aligned. The shoulders, neck and face relaxed free breathing.
primary benefit: create body awareness and posture.
2. Paschimottanasana:
From tadasana, put your hands on the inner thighs, looking from the front with elbows out. Inhale, lengthen the back and neck, opening the chest and activating the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, using your abdominal muscles and back to go down to try to bring your chest toward the thighs, keeping the spine as straight as possible. Breathe deep. Benefits: The back muscles are toned and gain strength, while gaining awareness of the right posture and spine.
From tadasana, put your hands on the inner thighs, looking from the front with elbows out. Inhale, lengthen the back and neck, opening the chest and activating the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, using your abdominal muscles and back to go down to try to bring your chest toward the thighs, keeping the spine as straight as possible. Breathe deep. Benefits: The back muscles are toned and gain strength, while gaining awareness of the right posture and spine.
ALTERNATIVE: Lower hands until the fingertips touch the floor, having you near the ankles. After holding for several seconds, use abdominal and back muscles to return to starting position.
Primary Benefits having the right column creates awareness of the spine. This posture tones the muscles of the shoulders while encouraging and maintaining a healthy spine.
3. Ugrasana:
From Tadasana, legs open as wide as possible, keeping a right angle between the legs and thighs. Toes and knees in the same direction, his hands resting on the inner thighs, staring straight ahead. Open chest and elbows. Inhale deeply while lengthening the spine and neck. shoulders and face relaxed. As you exhale muscles used to lower abdominal and back (back right all the time.) After several seconds, using dorsal and abdominal muscles to climb to the upright posture. Benefits: Apart from toning the back muscles, this approach opens the hips and stretch the core muscles of the thighs.
From Tadasana, legs open as wide as possible, keeping a right angle between the legs and thighs. Toes and knees in the same direction, his hands resting on the inner thighs, staring straight ahead. Open chest and elbows. Inhale deeply while lengthening the spine and neck. shoulders and face relaxed. As you exhale muscles used to lower abdominal and back (back right all the time.) After several seconds, using dorsal and abdominal muscles to climb to the upright posture. Benefits: Apart from toning the back muscles, this approach opens the hips and stretch the core muscles of the thighs.
VARIANT: From Ugrasana, lower arms on the inside of the feet, grabbing his ankles. After enduring a few seconds, use the dorsal and abdominal muscles to raise and return to starting position. The
benefits are the same Ugrasana that, here's a more intense work.
4. Paschimottanasana - second variant:
From Tadasana, breathing, stretches the spine and raise their arms stretched above the head to shoulder level with palms facing each other. Shoulders, neck and face relaxed. Using dorsal and abdominal muscles to lower, keeping the back straight. It is felt the line connecting the head and lower back. Pulling the head upwards and the tailbone down. After enduring for several seconds, are used for abdominal and back muscles return to starting position right. The
From Tadasana, breathing, stretches the spine and raise their arms stretched above the head to shoulder level with palms facing each other. Shoulders, neck and face relaxed. Using dorsal and abdominal muscles to lower, keeping the back straight. It is felt the line connecting the head and lower back. Pulling the head upwards and the tailbone down. After enduring for several seconds, are used for abdominal and back muscles return to starting position right. The
benefits are the same as in Paschimottanasana, but here is a greater or more intense work, also is working loa arms and shoulders.
5. Ugrasana - second variant:
Starting from the position of Ugrasana, inhaled while lengthening the spine. Outstretched arms are raised above the head to shoulder level with palms facing each other. Buttocks feel well placed in the chair while the head points to the sky. Keep shoulders, neck and face relaxed. Then, exhale and down using the muscles abdominal and back to where it will maintaining the linearity between the neck and back. After holding the pose for several seconds, then return to the starting position with the same procedure. The
Starting from the position of Ugrasana, inhaled while lengthening the spine. Outstretched arms are raised above the head to shoulder level with palms facing each other. Buttocks feel well placed in the chair while the head points to the sky. Keep shoulders, neck and face relaxed. Then, exhale and down using the muscles abdominal and back to where it will maintaining the linearity between the neck and back. After holding the pose for several seconds, then return to the starting position with the same procedure. The
benefits are the same as in Ugrasana, only works in a more intensely as in the shoulders and arms.
6. Preparation for Lotus Flower:
From Tadasana, lift and place the ankle over the opposite thigh below the knee with the foot active. Inward hands resting on the thighs, chest and shoulders open. Inhaled while back stretches keeping the face, neck and shoulders relaxed. Down to breathe using the abdominal and back muscles keep the spine straight. The knee is suspended is pressed, slightly, toward the ground. Repeat with other leg. Primary Benefit: Opens hips to prepare for the position of the lotus flower.
From Tadasana, lift and place the ankle over the opposite thigh below the knee with the foot active. Inward hands resting on the thighs, chest and shoulders open. Inhaled while back stretches keeping the face, neck and shoulders relaxed. Down to breathe using the abdominal and back muscles keep the spine straight. The knee is suspended is pressed, slightly, toward the ground. Repeat with other leg. Primary Benefit: Opens hips to prepare for the position of the lotus flower.
VARIANT: Like the previous position, only the hands are placed under the thighs and, slightly, is pulled while the torso flexed-across. Change legs.
The benefit is the same except that the work is more intense in the area.
7. Ardha-Matsyendrasana (mean torsion of the spine):
The position begins sitting sideways, with feet parallel to the legs while maintaining a 90 degree angle between the thigh and calf. Inhaled lengthening the spine, lifting their arms to shoulder level with your elbows open, webbed fingers and activating the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, begin to rotate the torso toward the back of the chair (starting at the lower back up). Keep your neck free and relaxed. Turn head to look over your shoulder or to where it made comfortable. hands trying to grab, slightly, back the chair, keeping your face neck and shoulders relaxed. It holds the position for several seconds with free and deep breathing. When released, the arms remain in the same way as it began and turns starting at the lower back. Switch sides.
The position begins sitting sideways, with feet parallel to the legs while maintaining a 90 degree angle between the thigh and calf. Inhaled lengthening the spine, lifting their arms to shoulder level with your elbows open, webbed fingers and activating the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, begin to rotate the torso toward the back of the chair (starting at the lower back up). Keep your neck free and relaxed. Turn head to look over your shoulder or to where it made comfortable. hands trying to grab, slightly, back the chair, keeping your face neck and shoulders relaxed. It holds the position for several seconds with free and deep breathing. When released, the arms remain in the same way as it began and turns starting at the lower back. Switch sides.
Benefits: stimulates the nervous system provides strength to the muscles in his back and keeps the spine healthy.
8. Preparation Paschimottanasana (One Foot in the chair):
Begin standing in front of the chair position Tadasana, puts all the weight on one leg while lifting the other and placed in the chair. This foot is still active and playing back of the chair, lie on it. As you inhale, lengthen the spine and parallel arms are raised above the head with the palms facing each other. Neck, face and shoulders relaxed. It breathes and flexes toward the front, using the abdominal and back muscles, so far as to maintaining the spine as straight as possible. With hands outstretched, fingers resting on the back of the chair. It maintains the position for several seconds with a free and deep breathing. Using the abdominal and back muscles will be back to initial position. Change legs.
Begin standing in front of the chair position Tadasana, puts all the weight on one leg while lifting the other and placed in the chair. This foot is still active and playing back of the chair, lie on it. As you inhale, lengthen the spine and parallel arms are raised above the head with the palms facing each other. Neck, face and shoulders relaxed. It breathes and flexes toward the front, using the abdominal and back muscles, so far as to maintaining the spine as straight as possible. With hands outstretched, fingers resting on the back of the chair. It maintains the position for several seconds with a free and deep breathing. Using the abdominal and back muscles will be back to initial position. Change legs.
primary benefit: Increases flexibility in the calves and posterior thigh.
9. Svanasana Adhomukha (Doggy face down): Starting
standing in front of the chair. Inhale, lengthen the spine and the arms are raised above the head to shoulder level, hands look. Keep shoulders, face and neck relaxed. As you exhale, you use the abdominal and back muscles to lose face, the movement in one plane where the sacrum and hips meet. When you hold down the corner of the chair to adjust the position in relation to the chair, you stretch the most of the posterior thigh and calf column while holding right. Hold
posture, breathing freely and deeply. In the same way you return to the starting position. Benefits: Increases flexibility in calves and posterior thigh, also strengthens the back, arms and shoulders.
standing in front of the chair. Inhale, lengthen the spine and the arms are raised above the head to shoulder level, hands look. Keep shoulders, face and neck relaxed. As you exhale, you use the abdominal and back muscles to lose face, the movement in one plane where the sacrum and hips meet. When you hold down the corner of the chair to adjust the position in relation to the chair, you stretch the most of the posterior thigh and calf column while holding right. Hold
posture, breathing freely and deeply. In the same way you return to the starting position. Benefits: Increases flexibility in calves and posterior thigh, also strengthens the back, arms and shoulders.
VARIANT: (You can work in pairs or hit a wall for safety). It can be done by grasping the legs of the chair or the bar across these, and began from Adhomuka, pushed as far as possible by stretching the back and keeping your heels on the floor. The couple or wall can provide support for the chair will not move in a safe and comfortable distance. Exit position the same way as the previous position.
10. Ekapada (preparation for the cobra):
may be necessary to use a blanket on the chair for support. Starting in front of the chair, a short distance. It raises one leg and bend the knee so that is facing out, lying in the chair. The bent leg should take all available space until it feels to stand and balance. The shoulders and hips should be aligned and parallel to the front, hands gripping the seat back slightly. The other leg extends all the way back, toes and face down. Retained posture with deep breathing and free. Upon leaving, collects gently-across leg extended, use your hands to support out of the chair. Change legs.
Benefits: opens the hips and stretch the lower back in preparation for double inverted, column stretching improves flexibility and strengthens the lower back area while removing tension in muscles nearby.
may be necessary to use a blanket on the chair for support. Starting in front of the chair, a short distance. It raises one leg and bend the knee so that is facing out, lying in the chair. The bent leg should take all available space until it feels to stand and balance. The shoulders and hips should be aligned and parallel to the front, hands gripping the seat back slightly. The other leg extends all the way back, toes and face down. Retained posture with deep breathing and free. Upon leaving, collects gently-across leg extended, use your hands to support out of the chair. Change legs.
Benefits: opens the hips and stretch the lower back in preparation for double inverted, column stretching improves flexibility and strengthens the lower back area while removing tension in muscles nearby.
11. Virabhadrasana (Warrior I):
one thigh resting in line and parallel to the corner of the chair, with a right angle between the thigh and calf of the foot that is in front. Knees and feet in line, then extending the other leg back with your toes down and front. Shoulders and hips aligned and parallel to-across. Inhaled while lengthening the spine and the arms are raised above the head to shoulder level, palms facing. Is retained for convenience. Leaving the posture, hands down, and gently picks up the leg straight. Change legs.
one thigh resting in line and parallel to the corner of the chair, with a right angle between the thigh and calf of the foot that is in front. Knees and feet in line, then extending the other leg back with your toes down and front. Shoulders and hips aligned and parallel to-across. Inhaled while lengthening the spine and the arms are raised above the head to shoulder level, palms facing. Is retained for convenience. Leaving the posture, hands down, and gently picks up the leg straight. Change legs.
Benefits: develops balance and linearity, opens hips, stretches back of leg strength back and side.
12. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II):
Like It begins in the position of Guerrero I. Then lower the heel back so strong that the entire weight of the straight leg on the floor. Online heels, like the shoulders with your hips parallel to the floor. Hands outstretched in opposite directions, level with shoulders that are also parallel to the floor. The head faces toward the bent leg.
Like It begins in the position of Guerrero I. Then lower the heel back so strong that the entire weight of the straight leg on the floor. Online heels, like the shoulders with your hips parallel to the floor. Hands outstretched in opposite directions, level with shoulders that are also parallel to the floor. The head faces toward the bent leg.
Benefits: develops balance, linearity and flexibility, opens hips, posterior thigh stretches, strengthens back, shoulders and arms.
13. Bhujangasana (Cobra):
It lies face down on the abdomen, forehead on the floor, palms down to shoulder level. Inhaled and lashing the buttocks while lifting the upper torso using the years as a support (sphinx position). Then he stretched his arms to touch, slightly, the bar across the legs of the chair. Adjust the seat to its full length, fingers should be activated, shoulders and chest open. The neck aligned with spine, tips of fingers straight and touching the floor. It retains the position taking short breaths, then lower the torso.
It lies face down on the abdomen, forehead on the floor, palms down to shoulder level. Inhaled and lashing the buttocks while lifting the upper torso using the years as a support (sphinx position). Then he stretched his arms to touch, slightly, the bar across the legs of the chair. Adjust the seat to its full length, fingers should be activated, shoulders and chest open. The neck aligned with spine, tips of fingers straight and touching the floor. It retains the position taking short breaths, then lower the torso.
Benefits: strengthens back and abdominal muscles, stimulates the nervous system and adrenal glands, provides massage to the kidneys, liver and spleen.
VARIANT: As in the Cobra position, only the chest rises higher, touching the front of the chair with his hands active.
14. Savasana (Dead Pose: relaxation):
put a blanket on the floor for convenience, if necessary you can put another folded under the lower back for support. Will lie up and rest your lower legs on the chair, feet touching the back, forming a right angle between the thighs and calves, giving further support to the lower back. Arms at sides, palms up. Eyes closed.
put a blanket on the floor for convenience, if necessary you can put another folded under the lower back for support. Will lie up and rest your lower legs on the chair, feet touching the back, forming a right angle between the thighs and calves, giving further support to the lower back. Arms at sides, palms up. Eyes closed.
Benefits: relaxation and rest.
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